Reading List - New Environmental Archaeologies

General Introduction

Barker, G. 2001. Agendas for Environmental Archaeology. Pages 305–324 in U. Albarella, editor. Environmental Archaeology: Meaning and Purpose. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.

Bergthaller, H., R. S. Emmett, A. Johns-Putra, A. Kneitz, S. Lidström, S. McCorristine, I. Pérez Ramos, D. Phillips, K. Rigby, L. Robin, and P. Bindon. 2014. Mapping Common Ground: Ecocriticism, Environmental History, and the Environmental Humanities. Environmental Humanities 5:261–276.

Chakrabarty, D. 2009. The Climate of History: Four Theses. Critical Inquiry 35(2):197–222.

Edgeworth, M. 2014. Archaeology of the Anthropocene. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 1(1):73–77.

Emmett, R. S., and D. E. Nye. 2017. The environmental humanities: a critical introduction. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Erlandson, J. M., and T. J. Braje. 2013. Archeology and the Anthropocene. Anthropocene 4(0):1–7.

Evans, J. G. 2002. Environmental Archaeology and the Social Order. Routledge, London.

Hughes, J. D. 2001. What is Environmental History? 2nd edition. Polity Press, Cambridge.

Nye, D. E., L. Rugg, J. Fleming, and R. S. Emmett. 2013. The Emergence of the Environmental Humanities. MISTRA - The Foundation for Strategic and Environmental Research, Stockholm.

McLaren, D.P., 2018. In a broken world: Towards an ethics of repair in the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene Review 5, 136–154.

Oreskes, N. 2015. How Earth Science Has Become a Social Science. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 40(2 (152)):246–270.

Pişkin, E., and M. Bartkowiak. 2018. Environmental Archaeology: What Is in a Name? Pages 1–14 in Environmental Archaeology: Current Theoretical and Methodological Approaches. 

Pişkin, A. Marciniak, and M. Bartkowiak, editors. Environmental Archaeology: Current Theoretical and Methodological Approaches. Springer International Publishing, Cham.

Stewart, I. S., and D. Lewis. 2017. 'Communicating contested geoscience to the public: Moving from ‘matters of fact’ to ‘matters of concern.’ Earth-Science Reviews 174:122–133.


McCorriston, J., Field, J., 2020. Anthropocene: A New Introduction to World Prehistory. Thames & Hudson, London.


Brittain, M., Overton, N., 2013. The Significance of Others: A Prehistory of Rhythm and Interspecies Participation. Society & Animals 21, 134–149. 

Hussain, S.T., 2019. Gazing at Owls? Human-strigiform Interfaces and their Role in the Construction of Gravettian Lifeworlds in East-Central Europe. Environmental Archaeology 24, 359–376.

Oma Armstrong, Kristin (2018). Humanity and Animality. In: Sandra L. López Varela (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences. Wiley & Sons.  

Shipman, P., 2010. The Animal Connection and Human Evolution. Current Anthropology 51, 519–538.


Fitzgerald, D. & Callas, F. 2015. Social Science and Neuroscience beyond Interdisciplinarity: Experimental Entanglements. Theory, Culture and Society 32 (1): 3–32.

Gearey, B. R. 2019. “I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing?!”: Or Theoretical Confessions of an Environmental Archaeologist. Internet Archaeology 53.

Pétursdóttir, Þ. & Olsen, B. 2018. Theory adrift: The matter of archaeological theorizing. Journal of Social Archaeology 18 (1): 97–117.


Alaimo, S. 2012. Sustainable this, Sustainable that: New Materialisms, Posthumanism, and Unknown Futures. PMLA 127.3: 558-564.

Alaimo, S. & Hekman, S. 2008. Introduction: Emerging models of Materiality in Feminist Theory. In Alaimo, S. & Hekman, S. (eds). Material Feminisms. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 1-22.

Braidotti, R. 2018. A Theoretical Framework for the Critical Posthumanities. Theory, Culture & Society, 36(6): 31–61.


Assembling Anthropocenes: Human-environment relations in museums
Davis, Heather & Zoey Todd 2017. "On the importance of a date, or, decolonizing the Anthropocene". ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 16:4, 761-80.

Þórsson, Bergsveinn 2020. "Walking through the Anthropocene. Encountering materialisations of the geological epoch in an exhibition space." Nordisk Museologi 28(1), 103-119.


Farstadvoll, S. & Nilsen, G. 2020. Naturmangfoldloven - vern av løse og "faste" kulturminner fra andre verdenskrig som del av særpreget og karakteren til landskapsvernområder. Primitive Tider 22: 119–140.

Farstadvoll, S. 2019. Growing Concerns: Plants and Their Roots in the Past. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 5 (2).

Olsen B. & Pétursdóttir, Þ. 2016. Unruly Heritage: Tracing Legacies in the Anthropocene. Arkæologisk Forum 35: 38–45.


Pearson, E. 2019 Commercial Environmental Archaeology: are we back in the dark ages or is environmental archaeology a potential agent of change?, Internet Archaeology 53.

Richer, S. 2019 Environmental Archaeology - connection and communication, Internet Archaeology 53. 

Jackson, T., 2009. Chapter 12: A lasting prosperity, Prosperity without Growth, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. This is also available as an e-book through many libraries. 


Federici, S. 2012. Feminism and the Politics of the Commons. In The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State, edited by D. Bollier & S. Helfrich. Amherst: Levellers Press, 45-54.

Løvschal, M. 2020. The logics of enclosure: Deep-time trajectories in the spread of land tenure boundaries in late prehistoric northern EuropeJournal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 26(2), 365-388.

Yusuff, K. 2013. Geologic life: prehistory, climate, futures in the AnthropoceneEnvironment and Planning D: Society and Space 31, 779-795. 


Bauer, A. & Bhan, M. 2018. Climate without Nature. A Critical Anthropology of the AnthropoceneCambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bhan, M. 2018. Jinn, Floods, and Resistant Ecological Imaginaries in KashmirEconomic and Political Weekly 53 (47): 67-75.

Bhan, M. 2021. Infrastructures of occupation. Mobility, immobility, and the politics of integration in Kashmir. In S. Bose & A. Jalal (eds.). Kashmir and the Future of South Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 71-90.


Gabrys, Jennifer. 2018. Becoming Planetary. e-flux October. 

McLaren, D.P., 2018. In a broken world: Towards an ethics of repair in the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene Review 5, 136–154.

Van Dooren, Thom. 2014. Life at the Edge of Extinction: Spectral Crows, Haunted Landscapes and the Environmental Humanities. Humanities Australia: The Journal of the Australian Academy of the Humanities 5, 8-22.


Published Feb. 10, 2021 2:42 PM - Last modified July 1, 2022 10:40 AM