Director's Seminar: Sissel Grøndal

The Norwegian Sculptor Gustav Vigeland's Travels and Studies in Italy in 1895 and 1896: An Encounter with the Early Italian Renaissance

Image may contain: Person, Forehead, Nose, Head, Chin.

From Gustav Vigeland's sketchbooks

Ella & Eystein Magnus Fellow Sissel Grøndal (University of Oslo) presents her MA project on the Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland (1969-1943) and his travels in Italy. Under which conditions and in what way did his Italian experience inspire and influence (and thus change) Vigeland's artistic expression and perception of art? His notebooks and letters provide a significant empirical basis both contextually and formally to suggest an influence from the Early Italian Renaissance.

Gustav Vigeland's encounter with the Early Italian Renaissance may have had a greater impact on his artistry in his formative early years both formally and iconologically in terms of the Florentine Renaissance Humanism than what has previously been assumed. 

The Director's Seminar Series at The Norwegian Institute in Rome is open for everyone interested. Kindly register your participation to

Participants are invited for an aperitivo immediately after the seminar. 


The Norwegian Institute in Rome
Published Oct. 10, 2023 1:01 PM - Last modified Oct. 10, 2023 1:07 PM