The research group Climate, Environment and Energy, KLIMER, warmly welcomes Prof. Dr. Ole Georg Moseng from the University of South-Eastern Norway. He is one of the few specialists in the history of early modern epidemics.

Graphic illustration of plagues and doctors from early modern history
Photo: Wikipedia Commons

In this talk, Professor Ole Georg Moseng will talk about the history of early modern epidemics. 

Pandemics have haunted humanity since the dawn of time. The oldest victim of the plague we know of, died 5,000 years ago in Sweden. We now have our own painful experiences. Knowledge that diseases can be contagious is more than 2,000 years old. The doctor from the 17th century protected himself with much of the same as today's intensive care nurses. It is thought-provoking that we have fought the most dangerous pandemics of all time without access to effective drugs.

The event will be physical at Café Snorre (5th floor of Niels Treschows hus), and at Zoomhttps://uio.zoom.us/j/63217189083?pwd=Y1pKeHJ2ek1GU0NwVnFsY1lCLzlnQT09


Tags: History, Early modern history, pandemic
Published May 9, 2022 1:53 PM - Last modified Dec. 5, 2022 1:32 PM