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Seminar rooms in Blindernveien 11

User manual for the seminar rooms in Blindernveien 11

Welcome screen

Trykk for å starte

This is the welcome screen shown when you first touch the control panel.


Selecting input source

The rooms enabled the fixed PC as the default source and automatically turn on the projector on startup.

You can switch languages by touching the flag icons. 

When the countdown has finished and the projector is turned on, the screen will look like this.

Velg innkilde - Hva du ønsker å vise fra

The active input source is highlighted in bright blue.


Audio (Sound)

Lydpanel - Justere volum på mikrofoner

On the Sound screen you can adjust the volume of the room's PC. 




If you require assistance with the equipment, the last button on the panel takes you to a screen with contact information:

Kontaktinformasjon når du trenger hjelp i et undervisningsrom


System off

When your lecture is over, please don't forget to power down the equipment before leaving the room:

Systemet avslutter

This is important, especially for these two reasons:

  • All settings are reset to their defaults, which avoids causing trouble for the next person utilizing the room
  • The projector and other equipment will last longer
Published Nov. 9, 2017 2:20 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2017 12:37 PM