Representations of the “migrant crisis” on Croatian and Serbian online portals

Ljiljana Saric and Tatjana Radanovic Felberg's chapter in "Migration and Media: Discourses about identities in crisis" investigates the verbal and visual representation of migration and migrants in Croatian and Serbian public broadcasters’ online portals during the migrant crisis in 2015/2016.

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Migration debates as crises of identity

The migration debate is characterised by a growing sense of crisis in both personal and collective identities. From this viewpoint, discourses about immigration are always attempts at reconstructing the threatened ‘home identity’ of the respective host society. It is such attempts that are the focus of the volume "Migration and Media", which explores the representational strategies used to frame current migration debates as crises of identity, collective and individual.

Positive representation

In their study, Saric and Radanovic Felberg conclude that migrants are generally positively represented, which is congruent with the official policies of Croatia and Serbia. This positive representation was frequently used for positive self-evaluation of these countries’ influential social actors, and negative evaluation of neighbouring countries. The chapter employs macro- and micro-linguistic analysis within the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis and multimodal analysis.

Read more about the book and the chapter at John Benjamins Publishing Company

By John Benjamins Publiching Company
Published June 4, 2019 12:53 PM - Last modified June 14, 2019 11:03 AM