Corpora, digital analysis, and the history of the English language

Staff and students are cordiallly invited to a three-paper workshop on the application of digital tools for the analysis of historical English materials. The organiser is grateful to the Anders Jahre Fond for financial support.

Word cloud showing key words describing the event




Mark Faulkner, Trinity College Dublin: ‘Feature Extraction, Linguistic Profiling and Cluster Analysis for Old English’


Mike Kestemont, University of Antwerp: ‘The wandering verse. The computational detection of intertextuality in Middle English romances’


Ondřej Tichý, Charles University, Prague: ‘Spelling Variation in the Corpus of Early English Correspondence: A Quantitative Analysis’

(Click on the visiting speaker's name to read more about them)


Jacob Thaisen
Tags: Corpus linguistics, History of the English Language, Digital Humanities
Published July 31, 2023 4:30 PM - Last modified July 31, 2023 4:30 PM