How to submit essays in Canvas

Please note that these instructions are valid for courses at the department of Philosophy, Classics and History of Art and Ideas. They apply to both compulsory assignments and examination essays submitted electronically in Canvas. Please pay close attention to the differences.

Your responsibility

You are responsible for submitting a complete and correct document. The assignments and essays are assessed in the form in which they are submitted. Unreadable or incomplete documents will be graded as such.

To avoid suspicion of plagiarism, you must know how to cite, quote and refer to sources. This applies to both compulsory assignments and examination essays, and any exam or assignment may be subject to electronic plagiarism control.

Before you hand in your document

1.  Supply the document header with the following details:(header):

  • course code (i.e: KUN1002)
  • semester (spring/autumn + year)
  • candidate number (for exams) or name (compulsory assignments)

2. Make sure your document is paginated, and otherwise intact (with all pages, including bibliography, footnotes/endnotes).

3. Save your finished document either as .rtf or .doc(x) format. Other formats will not be accepted.

4. Use your candidate number as file name for exams and surname for compulsory assignments (1234.docx/johnson.rtf).

Handing in your document

1. Go to the submission folder in the correct room in Fronter and click on "Upload file", and then choose "Single file upload".

2. Click "browse" to choose the right document, and click on "save" to upload.  

If you can see your paper in the folder with three grey dots to the right, and you can reopen it by clicking on it, then you submission is completed. You will not receive any receipt or confirmation beyond this. 

A compulsory assignment is not an exam, but a part of the tuition that has to be approved in order for you to qualify for examination. For more information, see: Compulsory tuition activities at HF

Cheating/attempted cheating

It is the responsibility of each student to familiarise themselves with the Faculty's information regarding cheating and plagiarism.

Violations of these regulations will be treated as an examination offence and the consequences may be annulment of the exam and/or nationwide exclusion from universities and colleges.

Published Mar. 1, 2016 10:10 AM - Last modified June 20, 2022 4:11 PM