Call for papers: Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanities Symposium

Come and join us on 6 & 7 September for a NoRS-EH Symposium on "Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanities". Submit your proposal here!

Two people climbing the old slag mounds from the copper mines in Røros.

Mounds of slag from the old copper mines of Røros, Norway. 

Photo: Marit Gjermshus

As the Norwegian Researcher School in Environmental Humanities (NoRS-EH; PI Dolly Jørgensen) starts its 5th year, the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities (OSEH) is organising a symposium on “Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanities” on 6 and 7 September 2023 at the University of Oslo. This 2-day symposium will highlight the innovative environmental humanities research happening in Norway and neighboring Scandinavian countries, especially by early career researchers.

Proposals are invited for panels and individual papers. The symposium is open to all proposals in the environmental humanities, but we particularly encourage proposals in the following areas:

  • Collaboration between scholars and non-academic sector partners such as artists and museums
  • Collaboration across traditional disciplinary boundaries
  • Relevance of environmental humanities to policymaking
  • Methods in environmental humanities research

Panels can be designed as standard paper panels (3 papers for 20 minutes each or 4 papers for 15 minutes each) or in other formats suggested by the proposer. Panel proposals require the submission of a panel abstract (300 word max) with the name, affiliation, and paper title of each presenter/participant after the abstract. Panels are expected to have at least one early career researcher (either a PhD student or postdoc) on it. Panel proposals should also be mindful of gender balance. The program committee reserves the right to turn a 3-paper session into a 4-paper session to accommodate an individual paper submittal being added to the session.

We highly encourage people to make connections with others in NoRS-EH and the wider community to submit panel proposals. However, individual paper proposals can also be submitted. In this case, a paper title and abstract (max 300 word) will be required.

Proposals must be submitted at by 1 March 2023.

The organizing committee consists of: Dominik Collett, Ursula MünsterThora Þóra Pétursdóttir and Gro Birgit Ween.

Tags: Enviornmental Humanities, OSEH, Call for papers, Policymaking
Published Jan. 9, 2023 3:34 PM - Last modified Feb. 28, 2023 12:22 PM