Practical Philosophy Seminar: Vittorio Bufacchi (University College Cork)

"Liberalism and Structural Injustice: When the Solution Becomes the Problem"

Portrait, man, smiling, glasses, grey background.

Dr. Vittorio Bufacchi, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University College Cork, Ireland. 

Photo credit: Marcin Lewandowski.  


If structural injustice is the problem, is liberalism the solution? This paper argues that over the last few centuries liberalism tackled three manifestations of historical injustice (slavery; natural hierarchies; colonialism) by promoting the mantra of individual rights, but the unintended consequence of this philosophy was to engender and legitimize even more enduring forms of structural injustice (exploitation; inequality; domination). Historical injustice has not gone away, it has simply learned to accommodate liberal orthodoxy. To tackle structural injustice, it may be necessary to look beyond liberalism.



Dr. Vittorio Bufacchi is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at University College Cork, Ireland. He is the author of 'Violence and Social Justice' (Palgrave); 'Social Injustice' (Palgrave); and 'Everything Must Change: Philosophical Lessons from Lockdown' (Manchester). His next book, 'Why Cicero Matters' (Bloomsbury) will be published in October 2023. He is the editor of the book series 'Palgrave Philosophy Today'.


Published Feb. 16, 2023 8:52 PM - Last modified Mar. 28, 2023 7:51 PM