IKOS PhD seminar: Method: Working with Concepts

All scholars work with concepts, both analytical and hermeneutical, both emic and etic. But do we always know what they are and how they operate?

For this seminar, we will read and discuss texts by key conceptual theorists, like Mieke Bal, Reinhart Koselleck, and Michel Foucault, and you will be invited to select key concepts from your work and bring them up for dissection and discussion in the group.

PhD-program director Helge Jordheim will be joined by other scholars with a long-standing interest in concepts, who will share their experiences and discuss your work.

How do I sign up for the course:

Please send an email to kari.andersen@ikos.uio.no and specify whether you want to present something or not.

About the paper:

The final paper should be no longer than a minimum 5-pages, maximum 10 pages, with text reflecting on the theme of the seminar and how this plays out in your own research. The texts will be pre-circulated among the participants ahead of the seminar.

Deadline for paper: 28 January

ECTS points

Generally, you will get 1 ECTS point for attending the seminar, 2 ECTS points for a presentation or a comment. 


0900-0945: Welcome and round of introductions. I will ask every one of you to point out 1-3 concepts that you consider to be especially important to your project.

0945-1045: Introduction to the readings v/Helge, followed by plenary discussion

1045-1100: Break

1100-1300: Presentations and plenary discussions


Klemperer, The Language of the Third Reich (Bloomsbury)

Jordheim, Conceptual History (to be published in Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method)

Apter, Untranslatables (Princeton University Press)

Cassin, Apter, Untranslatables

Published Dec. 14, 2020 2:09 PM - Last modified Jan. 14, 2021 10:46 AM