The Ecology of Place-Making: Panel Presentation in ASIANET 2022

On 16th and 17th of June, Transsustain members attended the 2022 Asianet Conference held in Trondheim.

Photo credit: Daniel, Aase, Lu, Nhung, Rahul

This year’s Asianet Conference is themed as 'Asia and Fragmented Globalization' which encourages the presenters to take a bottom-up perspective to situate the local Asian daily life in the wider global context.

Transsustain members hosted a panel titled as 'The Ecology of Place-Making: Reconfigurations of Asian place-making processes and practices in the face of global environmental change' chaired by Aase J. Kvanneid. This panel also invited participant outside the project to present research in India. 

In the panel, transsustain members including Aase J. Kvanneid, Nhung Lu Rots, Lu Chen, Daniel K. B. Bäckström, and also Postdoctoral research fellow at the Oslo Metropolitan University Rahul Ranjan presented their respective ongoing research. The titles for their presentations are as follows,

Lucid Dreaming? Reconfiguring Place and Prospects during the ‘Everything Change’ (Aase)

Towards zero plastic waste in the Mekong Delta: the contribution of Hòa Hảo Buddhism (Nhung)

Disaster Citizenship in Rural China: a case study in disaster affected villages in eastern China (Lu)

Shifting Relations, Shifting Terrain. Reconfigurations of Place in the Zomian Highlands (Daniel)

Religious Ecology: Rights of the Ganga river and the spectre of Anthropocene (Rahul)


Published June 17, 2022 8:03 PM - Last modified Oct. 26, 2022 2:20 PM