Indigenous Ecological Spirituality, Climate Change and Democracy in Taiwan: My Learnings from Tayal People, Seminar with Lin Yih-Ren

Image may contain: Glasses, Forehead, Glasses, Nose, Cheek.

Image Source: Graduate Institute of Museum Studies

About the Talk:

My talk will address "religion and ecology" issue from the context of Taiwan's social change and pay special attention to Taiwan's indigenous peoples. I will use my participatory action research experience of over 20 years with the third largest indigenous group , the Tayal people in Taiwan, as the material to discuss upon how indigenous spirituality plays a critical role in terms of their survival and resistance to the social and environmental change. More importantly, their view point of ecological spirituality is not just confined to the local matters but also global in providing inspiration to face great challenge like climate change crisis.


About the Speaker:

Professor Lin Yih-Ren is based in Graduate Institute of Museum Studies in Taiwan. He has backgrounds in ecological humanities, political ecology, cultural geography, etc. 





Tags: Taiwan, Religion, Environmental Humanities
Published Aug. 25, 2023 12:42 PM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2023 12:42 PM