Announcement of A New Doctoral Research Fellow Position for Transsustain

screenshot, Universtetet I Oslo, logo, doctoral research fellow, webpage

The new doctoral research fellow will carry out an individual sub-project as part of the larger Transsustain team in the context of Vietnam. Vietnam is of particular interest to Transsustain  because it has a political system that is comparable to China’s but has kept a much more open attitude towards religious practices. It is heavily influenced by climate change and has seen a surge of environmental activities among various religious groups, connected to temples, indigenous peoples, etc. The doctoral candidate should formulate and implement an individual project based on   fieldwork in one or several sites in Vietnam, focusing on one or several spiritually inspired environmental movements. The candidate will join the Transsustain team and engage in general theoretical and methodological discussions, share findings and experiences from fieldwork, engage in joint publications in the team, etc. Other members of Transsustain are doing anthropological fieldwork in China, Taiwan and India and the candidate must therefore rely entirely on his/her own connections in Vietnam to ensure that fieldwork is possible.

The deadline is 1st September 2021. Please see more details from the job advertisement.



Published July 23, 2021 8:33 AM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2022 9:33 AM