C2HO Design Competition 2023

During April - May 2023, we ran a design competition with the goal to generate a 1 - 2 minutes audiovisual artwork by coding in text-based programming languages. 

Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Parallel, Tints and shades, Slope.

The contestants presented their work during the May 2023 meet-up - C2HO's 1st year anniversary. A panel of judges would choose 2 winners, who would share 12.000,- in prize monies. To add an interesting twist to proceedings, one of the entries to be judged was a generated work created by an artificial intelligence (AI) bot. Would the judges be able to spot the generated entry?!

Our runner up entry was created by Andre Sevenius and Christoph Hönigsperger, which involved the sonification and visualisation of brain activity recorded in the cortex of an awake/unconscious mouse.

 Andre Sevenius & Christoph Hönigspergers competition entry

This years winner was Mike McCormick, whose entry included visual elements generated from a single photo through an iterative corruptive process commonly known as data-moshing. The audio was generated by converting the raw data from the computer's cache into audio and thereafter resampling to fit the duration of the video. Mike coded this in Supercollider.

Warning: the below video contains harsh noises and flashing lights/colours!

Mike McCormick's competition entry 

So we are left with the AI bot's entry. We asked ChatGPT three consecutive questions which included creating the animation, generating the audio, then finally starting the audio on mouse-click. The following video is what the bot came up with. 

The AI generated entry 

So how did the AI bot's generated entry do? The judges were pretty quick to identify the bot's submission, despite the neat, well documented Javascript code! But when it was presented at the C2HO May meet-up, how did the audience vote? Well, the majority did spot it, but there was a significant minority that didn't - well done ChatGPT! 

Thank you to all participants for your submissions and making the May meet-up a special one, and a special thank you to the AI bot for the hard work you put into your entry.


Tags: C2HO, Competition, Creative Computing, Creative Coding By Stephen Gardener
Published July 25, 2023 2:44 PM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2023 3:12 PM