Creative Computing People Directory

Here you can find and connect with other creative computing practitioners in the Oslo region.

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Name Affiliation CC Expertise
Björn Þór Jónsson RITMO/IFI - UiO

Evolutionary algorithms for sound synthesis

Stefano Fasciani IMV - UiO Sound and music creative/interactive computing

Alexander Refsum Jensenius

RITMO/IMV - UiO Sound and music computing, new interfaces for musical expression, video visualization
Benedikte Wallace RITMO/IFI - UiO Generative deep learning with music and motion, motion capture technologies
Balint Laczko RITMO/IMV - UiO

3D audio, analysis and machine listening, Interaction

Qichao Lan   Live coding and audio programming

Pedro Lucas


Human-swarm interactive music systems

Çağrı Erdem IFI - UiO Musical human-computer interaction & machine learning/artificial intelligence
Aleksander Tidemann IMV - UiO Networked music and audio programming

Mike McCormick


Digital lutherie, interactive systems, sound synthesis

Olivier Lartillot


Computational audio and music analysis and visualisation

Would you like to appear on this page? Fill out this form to let us know about you. 

You can contact C2HO executive officer Joseph Clemente if you wish your name to be removed from this page.

Published Aug. 9, 2023 7:18 PM - Last modified May 3, 2024 10:37 AM