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On this page you can read the very earliest biographical articles on Henrik Ibsen which were published in the 1860s. You will also find an overview of what are considered the most important Ibsen-biographies of all time.

Biographical articles 1863–1870

The most important Ibsen biographies

Henrik Ibsen's life is described biographically from all possible angles and perspectives. Almost all the days of his life are mapped down to the smallest detail, at least from the time he entered the literary scene in 1850.

If you search for biography as a subject in the international Ibsen bibliography, you get 467 hits. These eight are considered the most important Ibsen biographies:

Ivo de Figueiredo (2006–2007)

Robert Ferguson (1996)

Michael Meyer (1967–1971)

Hans Heiberg (1967)

Halvdan Koht (1928–1929)

Gerhard Gran (1918)

Edmund Gosse (1912)

Henrik Jæger (1888)