Oslo Mind, Language and Epistemology Network Seminar: Brad Saad, Implications of Simulations for Catastrophic Risks

Talk by Brad Saad, Implications of Simulations for Catastrophic Risks

Image may contain: nature, water, green, grass, reflection.
Photo: Pixabay


The reading is actually an excerpt from a report  on simulations and catastrophic risks. The selected material provides background on the simulation argument for the hypothesis that we're living in a computer simulation and then explores a type of intervention on catastrophic risks that is suggested by the simulation argument.  While the material is philosophical, the target audience for the report is people (not primarily philosophers) in research communities working on digital minds, making the long-term future go well, and reducing catastrophic risks.

How to attend

This is a read-ahead seminar. The meetings have a hybrid format. We meet in person in GM 467 and digitally on Zoom (Zoom login required).

The meeting link, along with a copy of the paper to be discussed, will be made available in advance via the mailing list.

Published Mar. 1, 2023 5:32 PM - Last modified Mar. 1, 2023 5:32 PM