Oslo Mind, Language and Epistemology Network Seminar: Ethan Brauer, Types of Certainty

Talk by Ethan Brauer, Types of Certainty

Image may contain: nature, water, green, grass, reflection.
Photo: Pixabay


Certainty is generally agreed to come in degrees. I argue that it also comes in different types. Just as one can be fairly certain, highly certain, or absolutely certain, so one can be practically certain, empirically certain, mathematically certain, and so on. If being certain of P is having no reasons for doubting, then being empirically certain of P is having no empirical reasons to doubt P, and similarly for other types of certainty.

How to attend

This is a read-ahead seminar. The meetings have a hybrid format. We meet in person in GM 652 and digitally on Zoom (Zoom login required).

The meeting link, along with a copy of the paper to be discussed, will be made available in advance via the mailing list.

Published Oct. 17, 2023 5:43 PM - Last modified Oct. 17, 2023 5:43 PM