Oslo Mind, Language and Epistemology Network Special Seminar: Critical Political Epistemology

This is an special seminar held by OMLET with invited researchers to discuss topics on Critical Political Epistemology.

Georges Seurat, Haystacks, c. 1882 (Public domain; retrieved from the National Gallery of Art)


During this OMLET Special Seminar, we'll have three presentations by early career and established scholars on critical political epistemology. This seminar has a explicit metaphilosophical motivation, as it adopts a critical stance towards political epistemology. For this reason, we will start the discussion on the danger of epistemic idealism. Then, we will move to understanding how epistemic labor, capital and redistribution relate to its material counterpart. Finally, we will end with a presentation on the concept of global hermeneutic domination.

This seminar was directly inspired by the Critical Political Epistemology Network, and we are happy to have one of its founders, Solmu Antilla, as part of the program.


14:30-15:30 CET / 8:30-9:30 EDT
Matthew Shields (Wake Forest University) ― The Perils of Epistemic Idealism
15:30-16:30 CET / 9:30-10:30 EDT
Solmu Antilla (VU Amsterdam) ― Material and Epistemic Labor, Capital and Redistribution
16:30-17:30 CET / 10:30-11:30 EDT
Breno Santos (UFMT) ― Domination and recognition in the space of reasons

How to attend

The seminar has a hybrid format. We meet in person in GM 467 and digitally on Zoom (Zoom login required).

The meeting link will be made available in advance via the mailing list and upon request to h.r.mota@ifikk.uio.no.

Published June 27, 2023 10:05 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2023 1:48 AM