Seminar - Intra-Aristocratic Conflict and Natural Law in the Danish Agrarian Reform Debate, 1750-1800

Ph.D-stipendiat Markus Hansen (Lunds universitet) presenterer sitt doktorgradsprosjekt om de danske landboreformene og innleder til diskusjon.

"The Danish Agrarian reforms of the 18th century have been an evergreen in Danish historical studies, and for good reason. In the course of half a lifetime, Denmark went from a socio-economic system based on a manorial structure with an enserfed peasantry to one moving in the direction of full farmer owner-occupancy subject to direct state taxation - an unbloody revolution at the most cellular level of society. However, fundamental questions remain, or at least need to be posed again: What motivated the reforms? Where should we draw the lines of conflict? And what was the impact of European enlightenment ideas on the process? In this presentation, I argue that we have to frame the period within a centuries-long historical struggle between the Crown and lords. The agrarian reforms belong to a phase of this conflict which begins in 1660 with the arrival of Absolutism in Denmark and the concomitant establishment of a new form of vassal aristocracy which derived its position directly from the state. Via this framing, I analyze the appeals to, and meaning of, natural law in the debates on agrarian reform in the latter half of the 18th century. I conclude that natural law was a weapon wielded to strip the traditional aristocracy of its abilities to directly dominate its manorial peasantries, effectively undermining their social position and local sovereignty."

Seminaret arrangeres av forskergruppen Nordisk opplysningstid. Interesserte kan melde seg på til

Emneord: Opplysningstid, Politisk idehistorie, Naturrett, Politisk historie
Publisert 18. aug. 2023 10:45 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2023 10:45