Women's Magazines


Issued in 2004, al-Khansāʾ, was the first jihadist magazine dedicated entirely to women


al-Shāmikha is the “all-women intended magazine” of al-Qāʿida in the Yemen.

Ḥafīdat al-Khansāʾ

The women’s magazine Ḥafīdat al-Khansāʾ was a part of the magazine Mushtaqūn ilā al-Janna.

Warshat al-Asīrāt

Warshat al-Asīrāt is solely committed to the issue of female Muslim prisoners.

Ḥafīdat Ṣafiyya

Ḥafīdat Ṣafiyya is a story series in six parts written by the woman, Arīj al-Jihād