Text Development PhD Course: Entangled History

PhD workshop with Dr. Ricarda Stegmann and Professor Einar Wigen.

Pile of books of various colours

Photo Credit: Tom Hermans, Unsplash

Entangled history explores the multi-directional exchanges and interactions among diverse cultures and nations throughout time. It emphasizes the interconnectedness and transnational nature of historical phenomena, revealing how ideas, goods, and people have moved across borders and influenced one another. This seminar will give you an introduction to entangled history, and you are invited to reflect upon your own work using its theory and methods.

This is a 2 ECTS course.


The course language is English.

How do I sign up for the course:

Applications to join the course should contain a 1-page sketch of the dissertation project and a CV. The seminar is capped at 6 participants.  

Application deadline: 22 March 2024.

You sign up by sending an e-mail to Kari Andersen. Notice of acceptance will be given shortly after.

Course conveners

Einar Wigen, Professor of Turkish studies, IKOS, UiO einar.wigen@ikos.uio.no 

Ricarda Stegmann, Lecturer in the study of religion, University of Fribourg/Switzerland

IKOS, responsible department


Participants will be asked to hand in paper of maximum 3000 words, where they reflect on their own material in light of some of the readings assigned. The papers will be pre-circulated among the participants ahead of the seminar.

All participants will also be asked to comment on the papers of others. There will be a course curriculum that participants should have acquainted themselves with before they arrive at the course. Working language will be English.

Deadline for paper: 17 April 2024

Send your paper to: ingrid.eskild@ikos.uio.no 


9.15-9.30 Introduction to the seminar

9:30-10:15 Lecture by Ricarda Stegmann

10:15 Short break

10.30 - 12.30 Papers presentations and comments

12.30 - 13.00 Lunch

13.00-13.45 Lecture by Einar Wigen

13.45 - 16.00 Papers presentations and comments

Course curriculum

Buck-Morss, Susan. ‘Hegel and Haiti’. Critical Inquiry 26, no. 4 (2000): 821–65.

Coller, Ian. ‘Rousseau’s Turban: Entangled Encounters of Europe and Islam in the Age of Enlightenment’. Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques 40, no. 2 (2014): 56–77.

Randeria, Shalini. Entangled histories of uneven modernities: civil society, caste solidarities and legal pluralism in post-colonial India. In: Yehuda Elkana, Evan Krastev et.al. (eds.): Unravelig Ties: from social cohesion to new practices of connectedness, Frankfurt a.M.: Campus (2002): 284-311.

Werner, Michael, and Bénédicte Zimmermann. ‘Beyond Comparison: Histoire Croisée and the Challenge of Reflexivity’. History and Theory 45, no. 1 (2006): 30–50. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2303.2006.00347.x.

Wigen, Einar. State of Translation: Turkey in Interlingual Relations. University of Michigan Press, 2018, 1-69.


Optional: Listen to Ricarda Stegmann talk about entangled history on the IKOS RelPol podcast, hosted by Andrea Rota.

Published Mar. 11, 2024 2:30 PM - Last modified May 3, 2024 8:59 AM