Reception Studies and the History of the Book. Interdisciplinary perspectives.

An e-seminar at the University of Oslo 26–27 November 2020. Hosted by the research group Bokhistorie og resepsjon

Bildet kan inneholde: bok, utgivelse, tre.

Photo: Petr Kratochvil

NB! Please remember to register (link below). Detailed program and Zoom link are available by clicking on link to the left.

Ever since the so-called “Return to History” and the rise of New Historicism in the 1980s,
Reception Studies and the History of the Book have shared important methodological and
theoretical perspectives and goals. Key theoretical texts such as Reception Study, edited by
James L. Machor and Philip Goldstein (first edition 2001) and The Book History Reader, edited by David Finkelstein and Alistair McCleery (first edition 2002), include many of the same articles – witnessing how the two fields intersect with each other, or perhaps they are one field of study, though developing in slightly different directions.

After the publication of Bokhistorie, edited by Tore Rem (first edition 2003), Reception Study
and the History of the Book have made their way in Norwegian universities, and at the
University of Oslo in particular. This process culminated in the development of externally
funded projects such as Ibsen Between Cultures, Traveling Texts and Literary Citizens of the
, just to mention a few relevant ones. However, we still feel that the mutual entanglements between these two fields of study have not been researched thoroughly, nor by the above-mentioned projects, nor by other scholars in Norway or abroad.

Reception Studies and The History of the Book: Interdisciplinary Perspectives brings together
scholars from different departments at the Faculty of Humanities (IFIKK, ILN and ILOS), that
have been active with the above-mentioned concluded projects, and/or are active within new
research groups such as Bokhistorie og resepsjon at ILN or Bokhistorie at ILOS. The aim of
the seminar is to gather scholars across disciplines and departments at the Faculty of
Humanities, in order to a) map the existing milieus within the two fields of study at HF; b)
discuss theoretical and methodological advancements within and entanglements between the two fields, also by inviting guest scholars; c) lay the foundation for further interdisciplinary
cooperation, d) discussing ongoing article/book projects.

The seminar will feature keynote addresses by Senior Lecturer Ika Willis (University of
Wollongong) and Professor Peter McDonald (University of Oxford).

Please register here on 25 November at the latest:

Tags: Book History, Reception Studies, Bokhistorie, Resepsjonsstudier
Published Nov. 20, 2020 12:44 PM - Last modified Oct. 21, 2021 3:34 PM