Translation and Translatability: Methodological Approaches

The aim of this course is to boost methodological reflection on various forms of translation that take place in humanistic research. What are the possibilities of translatability, and which are the pitfalls?

This course is a part of HF's PhD week, and gives 1 ECTS.

Course Description

A wide range of translation skills are required in humanistic research, from the decoding of texts written in foreign languages and inter-semiotic translation to the domestication of theoretical frameworks developed in disciplines and cultures less familiar than one’s own. This course is designed to advance methodological reflection on translatability, cross-cultural communication, and traveling concepts, addressing questions such as:

  • What do «translation» and «translatability» mean in your research field?
  • To what extent is the meaning of a literary work changed when translated from one language to another and received and interpreted in a culture different from its origin?
  • Which aspects are preserved, and which are altered when a novel is adapted to film or theater, or when a painting is described in words – and why does it matter?
  • Which modifications and recontextualizations are needed when theoretical concepts travel from one culture to another?
  • How can theories of translation be useful in interdisciplinary research?

    Convenors and participants develop a relevant reading list together based on a preliminary selection of articles. The shortlist (5–6 articles) will serve as the basis for plenary and group discussions at the one-day workshop.
Course preparations and deadlines

30 April: Deadline for course participants to submit a one-page description of their own PhD project, including an indication of which form of translation is the most relevant for their research. Participants should indicate which texts from the preliminary reading list they want to discuss in depth at the course. It is also possible to suggest additional publications that might be relevant. We will open a Canvas room for submissions in due time. 

20 June: Deadline for submitting a three-page (1.5 spacing) essay based on articles and discussions from the course. Participants are encouraged to reflect on how their individual PhD projects can be situated in relation to existing academic practice.

Course curriculum, preliminary reading list

Alter, Nora M. 2007. «Translating the Essay into Film and Installation». Journal of Visual Culture 6 (1): 44–57.

Apter, Emily. 2021. «What is Just Translation?». Public Culture 33 (1): 89–111. 

Baer, Brian James. 2020. «From Cultural Translation to Untranslatability». Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics 40: 139–163.   

Baker, Mona. 2005. «Narratives in and of Translation». SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation 1 (1): 4–13.

Bal, Mieke. 2007. «Translating Translation». Journal of Visual Culture 6 (1): 109–124.

Bielsa, Esperança. 2024. «Translating Academia: Implications for Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences and the Humanities». Social Science Information: 1–13.  

Burke, Peter. 2023. «The Historian’s Dilemma: Domestication or Foreignizing?». In History as a Translation of the Past: Case Studies from the West, edited by Luigi Alonzi. 91–105. London: Bloomsbury. DOI: 10.5040/

Evans, Ruth. 2000. «Metaphor of Translation». In Routledge Encyclopaedia of Translation Studies, edited by Mona Baker and Kirsten Malmkjær. 149–153. London and New York: Routledge.

Finch-Race, Dan and Katie Ritson. 2021. «The Anglophone Dilemma in the Environmental Humanities». Seeing the Woods, 28 July.  

Folkvord, Ingvild. 2014. «Acts of Translation: Ruth Maier’s Testimony and its Reception». Translation and Literature 23 (2): 244–256.

Gal, Susan. 2015. «Politics of Translation». Annual Review of Anthropology 44: 225–240. 

Greenall, Annjo K. 2015. «Translators’ Voices in Norwegian Retranslations of Bob Dylan’s Songs». Target 27 (1): 40–57.  

Greenall, Annjo K. and Eli Løfaldli. 2019. «Translation and Adaptation as Recontextualization: The Case of The Snowman». Adaptation 12 (3): 240–256.

Grumberg, Karen. 2017. «Between the World and the Yishuv: The Translation of Knut Hamsun’s Markens grøde as a Zionist Sacred Text». Prooftexts 36 (1–2): 111–136.

Hacking, Ian. 1981. «Was There Ever a Radical Mistranslation?». Analysis 41 (4): 171–175. 

Hanks, William F. and Carlo Severi. 2015. «Translating Worlds: The Epistemological Space of Translation». HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 4 (2): 1–16. DOI:10.14318/hau4.2.001

Helgesson, Stefan and Christina Kullberg. 2018. «Translingual Events: World Literature and the Making of Language». Journal of World Literature 3 (2): 136–152.

Iser, Wolfgang. 1994. «On Translatability». Surfaces 4.

Jensen, Casper Bruun. 2020. «Disciplinary Translations: Latour in Literary Studies and Anthropology». Common Knowledge 26 (2): 230–250.

Latour, Bruno. 1986. «The Powers of Association». In Power, Action and Belief: A New Sociology of Knowledge?, edited by John Law. 261–277. London: Routledge.

Longxi, Zhang. 2015. «Cross-cultural Translatability: Challenges and Prospects». European Review 23 (3): 369–378.

Maitland, Sarah. 2016. «‘In-between’ a rock and a ‘third-space’? On the trouble with ambivalent metaphors of translation». Translation Studies 9 (1): 17–32.

Niblett, Michael. 2012. «World-Economy, World-Ecology, World-Literature». Green Letters 16 (1): 15–30.

Ožbot, Martina. 2015. «Foreignization and Domestication: A View from the Periphery». In Rereading Schleiermacher: Translation, Cognition and Culture. New Frontiers in Translation Studies, edited by Teresa Seruya and José Miranda Justo. 277–289. Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer.

Ramazani, Jahan. 2019. «Persian Poetry, World Poetry, and Translatability». University of Toronto quarterly 88 (2): 210–28.

Rendall, Steven. 1997. «The Translator’s Task, Walter Benjamin (Translation)». TTR 10 (2): 151–165.

Torkaman, Mehdi. 2022. «Fuel and Feminism: Oil, Women, and the Urbanization of Nature in State of Happiness». Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 46 (2): 98–113.

Venuti, Lawrence. 2009. «Translation, Intertextuality, Interpretation». Romance Studies 27 (3): 157–173.

Ødemark, John. 2023. «Knowledge Translation as Cultural and Epistemic Translation; Comment on ‘Sustaining Knowledge Translation Practices: A Critical Interpretative Synthesis’». International Journal of Health Policy and Management 12 (1): 1–4. 10.34172/IJHPM.2023.7873  

Ødemark, John and Eivind Engebretsen. 2018. «Expansions». In A History of Modern Translation Knowledge, edited by Lieven D’hulst and Yves Gambier. 85–90. John Benjamins.


You are invited to select 3–6 articles from the list above that might be particularly relevant for the methods section in your PhD thesis. You may also suggest additional titles if they can be related to the topic.


Presentations and discussions will be held in English. The essay can be written in English or a Scandinavian language.

Course convenors

Professor Sissel Furuseth (ILN)

Professor John Ødemark (IKOS)


Published Feb. 12, 2024 2:22 PM - Last modified Feb. 20, 2024 1:17 PM