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What is scientific thinking? What role should science play in society?

Our study opportunities

Subjects in the intersection between philosophy and the sciences offer students the resources for reflecting on fundamental questions. Whether you specialise in philosophy, in another area of the humanities, or in the social and natural sciences, selecting a course within this discipline will help you reach a deeper understanding of your field.

Bachelor Students

Relevant Bachelor courses

Master students

Would you like to think deeper about philosophical issues, or would you like to improve your skills in critical analysis and argumentative writing?

Within this degree, Master students can specialise in the philosophy of science.

What can you do with a Master's degree in philosophy? Have a look at the Career Prospects.

Relevant Master courses

For Master students of philosophy, UiO offers a broad range of courses in the areas relevant to philosophy and the sciences. Examples include:

PhD Courses

Would you like to participate in a PhD course arranged by CPS? 

Spring 2022

March 28-29. we offer a PhD Course, titled "Opening Philosophy of Medicine to the Future by Integrating Historical Epistemology and STS". The lecturer is Prof. Cornelius Borck (Lübeck, Germany). The course is 3 ECTS credits.