Lorentz Dietrichson Lecture 2023

The fourth Lorentz Dietrichson Lecture is given by Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe, Assistant Professor and Lecturer in Art History at Stockholm University.

A girl wearing a green and blue coat and a yellow hat. Painting.

Illustration: Moderna Museet Stockholm

About the lecture 

"Artistic mobility and cultural transfer: Geohistoricising early twentieth century Scandinavian art". 

In recent decades, the necessity to globalise art history has become apparent. While post- and de-colonial theories have rightly questioned and severely challenged dominant Western paradigms, other critical voices have pointed to the need for theoretical models and methodologies that can both account for how diverse geopolitical “peripheries” belong in a global context and differentiate the homogenising notion of Eurocentrism.

Drawing on theories from critical art geography, this lecture explores artistic mobility and cultural transfer during the first decades of the twentieth century with a particular focus on how Scandinavian artists operated from within a dominating Europe, but from a position on its margins.

Challenging diffusionist narratives of modern artistic development as a one-way transfer from centre to “periphery” and scrutinising the conditions of mobility, the lecture discusses the circulation of subjects and objects, as well as theories and practices, in terms of both tangible and desirable spatial relations and asks in what ways artistic mobility and cultural transfer was productive of, and produced by, diverse power relations.

The lecture is free and open to all. Welcome! 

A middelage woman with glasses. Photo
JESSICA SJÖHOLM SKRUBBE. Photo: Sören Andersson / Stockholm University. 


Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas in collaboration with Kunsthistorisk Forening
Published Sep. 25, 2023 11:46 AM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2023 11:46 AM