

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstjernes hus, rom 652
Time and place: , Georg Morgenstjernes hus, rom 652


Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, room 652 and on Zoom

Gabriel Uzquiano (University of Southern California) will give a talk titled "Classes, and their Potential Parts"

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, room 652 and on Zoom

Kit Fine (University Professor and Silver Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics, New York University) will give a talk titled "The Case for Numerical and Mereological Indeterminacy". 

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, room 652 and on Zoom

Markus Pantsar (RWTH Aachen University) will give a talk titled "Recognising artificial mathematical intelligence"

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, Room 452

Bokai Yao  (University of Notre Dame) will give a talk titled "Reflection with Absolute Generality"

Time and place: , On Zoom

Joel David Hamkins (O’Hara Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics, University of Notre Dame) will give a talk titled "Varieties of potentialism". 

Time and place: , Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford
Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, room 652 and on Zoom

Sara Negri (University of Genoa) will give a talk titled:

"The development of Gentzen sequent calculus: Ketonen's discovery of invertible rule systems"

Time and place: , On Zoom

Sam Roberts (University of Konstanz) will give a talk titled "Actualism and Potentialism" 

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, Room 652 and On Zoom

Ansten Klev (Czech Academy of Sciences) will give a talk titled "Aczel's V and the notion of set"

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus (Universitetsbiblioteket), Blindern, Auditorium 1

The 2022 Thoralf Skolem Memorial Lecture will be given by Harry Lewis, Gordon McKay Research Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University

Time and place: , On Zoom

Joan Rand Moschovakis  (Occidental College, emerita) will give a talk titled "Brouwer's Notion of Choice Sequence and its Descendants"

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus and on Zoom
Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, Room 652 and on Zoom

Agustín Rayo (MIT) will give a talk titled "Why I'm not an Absolutist"

Time and place: , On Zoom

Stewart Shapiro (Ohio State University and University of Oslo) will give a talk titled "Does God collapse potential infinity to actual infinity?"

(joint work with Samuel Levey and Øystein Linnebo)

Time and place: , On Zoom

Michael Rathjen (University of Leeds) will give a talk titled "Completeness: Turing, Schütte, Feferman"

Time and place: , On Zoom

Jon Erling Litland  (University of Texas at Austin) will give a talk titled "Generating Propositions"

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, room 652 and on Zoom

A workshop dedicated to Hermann Weyl's Philosophy of Mathematics

Time and place: , On Zoom

Sara Negri (University of Genoa) will give a talk titled "Bridges between classical and constructive reasoning for infinitary logic"

Time and place: , Zoom

Countabilism is the view according to which every infinite collection is countable. We discuss this view in an online workshop.

Time and place: , On Zoom

Dag Normann (UiO) will give a talk titled "Generalising the concept of being finite"