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PhD Research Fellow

"The opportunity to interact with cutting-edge equipment and highly skilled people was very important for me during the master's at MCT", says Pedro. 

portrait photo, young man, black short hair and beard, glasses on, dark shirt

Pedro Pablo Lucas Bravo

Photo: University of Oslo

Describe the most important tasks you have in your job today

– As PhD student, my research involves interactive music systems with swarm intelligence and developing systems to test algorithms for these applications. Mostly my tasks have to do with research and development, currently I’m exploring literature for this project and implementing software solutions in the music technology field, specifically focused to my research.

– What do you like most about your job?

– For me, the most I like is the flexibility and the support from the research center to develop my ideas, as well as the opportunity to interact with people of multiple disciplines.

– How is the education from The Faculty of Humanities relevant in this job?

– The MCT master was highly relevant for my PhD studies since there was a direct relationship with the knowledge that I acquired and my further interest in the field of music technology, especially from the development of my master thesis which is related almost directly with my PhD project. The opportunity to interact with cutting-edge equipment and highly skilled people was important to complement my previous knowledge, as well as get new one through the evaluation methodology (based on projects) from the master studies.

– What is your best tip for new students who are thinking about job opportunities after graduation?

– I think that a useful asset for increasing jobs opportunities is having a good portfolio in which students can show their works and skills, specially focused in the job that they want to pursue, even showing independent work can help for potential employers or clients. The content would depend on the area of expertise.


Pedro Pablo Lucas Bravo

Music, Communication and Technology


Graduation HF: 

PhD Research Fellow

University of Oslo

 More career interviews

By Torunn Nyland, Career and Employability Coordinator
Published June 8, 2023 10:16 AM - Last modified Aug. 9, 2023 3:49 PM