The End of Prehistory in the American Midcontinent

Friday Seminar with Scott Anfinson from the University of Minnesota. Anfinson is a guest researcher at IAKH, and is both a heritage management archaeologist and a midcontinental North American prehistoric archaeologist. Anfinson is visiting UiO on a Fulbright Grant and studies heritage management in Norway. 

Bildet kan inneholde: sky, himmel, maleri, kunst, tre.

About the lecture:

The American Midcontinent was an intersection of major natural and cultural regions, exhibiting dynamic archaeological manifestations in the Late Prehistoric and Early Historic periods. European intrusion beginning in the mid-1600s led to dramatic changes in Indigenous cultures culminating in near-extinction.

Publisert 3. okt. 2023 10:27 - Sist endret 3. okt. 2023 10:27