Aron Vinegar

Supervises projects on topics related to modernism and postmodernism in art and architecture; philosophical approaches to the arts; aesthetics; visual culture; issues of habit, behavior, and automaticity; monuments and collectivity; theory and history of photography.

Current Research Projects:

Habit in Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture; Postmodernism, Representation, and Realism; What a Monument Can Do.


I am happy to guide MA theses and develop ideas for Exhibitions on a variety of topics in art and architectural history, visual studies, and aesthetics in the modern and contemporary period including but not limited to the following:

  • all areas of visual studies and visual culture
  • philosophical and aesthetic approaches to art, art history, and visual studies
  • history and theory of European and American architecture and urbanism
  • photography
  • historiography/theory of art history and visual studies
  • restoration and preservation
  • issues of habit, bodily disposition, and gesture
  • notions of indifference, the neutral, and delays in judgement (see the syllabus for my course, “Topics in Modern and Postmodern Art and Architecture: Rethinking Indifference”)
  • repetition, materiality, and temporality
  • ethology (the study of the behavior of animals) in relationship to art, architecture and visual studies
  • issues of restoration and preservation across all fields, including art, architecture, urbanism, and ecology
  • dwelling, inhabitation, and territory
  • techniques and technologies of representation


More about Aron Vinegar's research and teaching

Publisert 20. sep. 2016 11:09 - Sist endret 14. sep. 2020 13:05