Previous Media Aesthetics Workshops

The Media Aesthetics research group have organized workshops every month since 2010. 


November workshop

Peter Cowie presents his new book: God and the Devil: The Life and Work of Ingmar Bergman. The book blends biographical information with critical commentary. It builds on years of arhcival work done by Cowie, as well as decades of interviews and conversations he has had with Bergman and numerous friends, partners, technicians and acquaintances of the director.

Time and place: 3. November, 2023 13.15-15.00, Glassburet, IMK.


October workshop

Laura op de Beke presents a chapter from the upcoming anthology book Ecogames. Playful Perspectives on the Climate Crisis (Amsterdam University Press, 2024). Laura will talk about her chapter "Dark Play and the Flow Time of Petroculture in Oil-themed Games.»

Please get in touch with to read the chapter.

Time: 13. October, 2023 13.15-15.00, Glassburet, IMK.


September workshop

Andreas Ervik and Jon Inge Faldalen presents the Introduction chapter from their project Naive Americans: The Character of Surrealist Series in the 10s and 20s.

Naive Americans is a study of specific characters, and a study of the vibe (i.e. the einstellung, tone, atmosphere) of selected contemporary American series. These are characters that we – to put it naively – enjoy hanging out with, in the surreal circumstances that they inhabit. Our objects of analysis include Darius from Atlanta, Dougie Jones from Twin Peaks: The Return, John Wilson from How to With John Wilson, Joe Pera from Joe Pera Talks with You, Nathan Fielder from Nathan for You, Andrew Callaghan from Channel 5 News, and Spirit in Reservation Dogs. How do these characters make us care and caring, why and how are they placed in surrealist universes or surrealize their surroundings, and what do these characters offer in terms of general or specific aspects of how to be human? Naive Americans offers a series of close analyses of these characters, and consider them as offering new life lessons for the surreal time and place that is contemporary USA. From the election of Trump as president (and the new season with his days in court and possibly in prison), to the seemingly never-ending brutality against African Americans. Is this news, or Atlanta? As Darius puts it: “I’m getting crazy déjà vu right now.” But still, against the historical and contemporary absurd antagonism of white supremacists, the QAnon Shaman and others storming Congress, we find the everyday friendliness of regular Joe Peras and John Wilsons gently greeting their surroundings: “Hey, New York!”

Please get in touch with to read the chapter draft.

Time: 1. September, 2023 13.15-15.00, Glassburet, IMK.


May Workshop

Prof. Dr. Alison Griffiths (CUNY) will be talking about her new project, which she is currently researching at the National Library in Oslo: “Early Sámi Film:  Indigeneity, Image Ethics, and Cultural Resilience”.

The workshop takes place at IMK Glassburet, 1315-1500.


April Workshop

Sofie Njålsdatter Johannessen will talk about ’The Aesthetics of the Loop in the work of Ed Atkins'.

The meeting will take place in IMK Room 4.10, 13.15-15.00.



Jack Pocaluyko will talk about 'the desktop film as an in-between media object'.

The workshop takes place at IMK Glassburet, 1315-1500.



Timotheus Vermeulen presents a chapter from the manuscript Gesture and Time.

Feb 3., 13.15-15.00 at the Glassburet, IMK


December Workshop

Carrie Ann Russpatrick presents her paper Vulva, Animal, Alien: Rethinking Gender and the Monstrous Body in the Vulva Monsters of Science Fiction.

NB: This workshop will start 45 minutes earlier than the usual 1:15 PM in order to accommodate for the New Entanglements symposium that takes place the same day.

Time: Dec. 2, 2022 12:30 PM–2:00 PM

November Workshop

Kim Wilkins presents a chapter of her monograph, entitled Glossy Postcards.

Time: Nov. 4, 2022 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

October Workshop

Time: Oct. 14, 2022 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

Andreas Nilsen Ervik presents work-in-progress, Multiverse Meme Machines. Dall-E image software and artistic production.

September Workshop

Yukun You presents work-in-progress on student-led production of disconnection technologies.

Time: Sep. 2, 2022 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

August Workshop

Jon Inge Faldalen presents a draft of a chapter from his book on Joachim Trier and The Worst Person in the World.

Time: Aug. 19, 2022 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

June Workshop

Prof. Dr. Alison Landsberg and Timotheus Vermeulen present work-in-progress on on ‘memoriness', a novel conception of memory they argue is prevalent in contemporary culture.

Time: June 3, 2022 1:15 PM–4:00 PM

May Workshop

Jon Inge Faldalen will show a short film and discuss author Tor Ulven’s literary media similes. Due to distribution rights for the film to be discussed, this seminar will not be available on Zoom.

Time: May 6, 2022 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

April Workshop

Liv Hausken presents work in progress, titled "Lessons from the Histories of Fake Photography".

Time: Apr. 1, 2022 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

March Workshop

Elisabeth Brun presents "The Moving Image as a Topographical - Symbolic Machine".

This workshop will be held in room 435 (Stua) at Forskningsparken for technical reasons.

Time: Mar. 4, 2022 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

February Workshop

Annie Fee presents "Weeping Margots and Cultivated Cinephiles: The Cultural Differentiation of Affect in French Silent Film Culture" - POSTPONED

Time: Feb. 4, 2022 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

January Workshop

Susanne Sæther presents "Skjermvandringer og virale strategier: Kunst på nye plattformer"  (the text is in Norwegian).

Due to corona restrictions, this workshop will be on zoom only.

Time: Jan. 7, 2022 1:15 PM–3:00 PM


Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Dec. 3, 2021 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Zoom or Forskningsparken, Room 418 (Glassburet)

Sebastian Cole presents: The Role of Algorithms in Music Streaming From a Critical Realist Perspective

Media Aesthetics Workshop

"Screen Cultures at Media Aesthetics" (4)

Time: Nov. 5, 2021 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

Steffen Krüger, Siiri Nordlin and Kaitlyn Sampson present work in progress.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Oct. 1, 2021 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Zoom

Dr. Eivind Røssaak presents work in progress: Becoming-Infrastructural: Hacks, Mods, and Bots in Cory Arcangel’s Art.  

Media Aesthetics Workshop

"Screen Cultures at Media Aesthetics " (3)

Time and place: Sep. 3, 2021 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Zoom

Carrie Ann Russpatrick presents work in progress: The Rise of the Vulva Monster: Vagina Dentata and its influence on Media Tropes and the Future of Screen Monsters.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time: June 4, 2021 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

Vilde Schanke Sundet presents work in progress.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time: May 7, 2021 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

Timotheus Vermeulen presents work in progress: 'time across a body: DONALD GLOVER in this is America.'

Media Aesthetics Workshop

"Screen Cultures at Media Aesthetics" (2)

Time: Apr. 9, 2021 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

Maja Bak Herrie (Aarhus University) presents her book proposal «Thinking Through Data: How Outliers, Aggregates, and Patterns Shape Perception”.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time: Mar. 5, 2021 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

Synne Tollerud Bull presents work in progress

Media Aesthetics Workshop

"Screen Cultures at Media Aesthetics" (1)

Time and place: Feb. 5, 2021 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Zoom

Media Aesthetics invites Screen Cultures to a joint workshop focusing on Screen Cultures. Today, Matthew Rana will present the introductory chapter to his dissertation, titled "From Memory to Reproduction: The Cinema of Bernadette Mayer". 

Matthew Rana is an artist and writer living in Malmö (SE). His writing has appeared in Art-Agenda, Camera Austria, Jacket2, Kunstkritikk, OEI, and Frieze, among others. He is currently a PhD researcher at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, University of Amsterdam.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Jan. 8, 2021 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Zoom

Jon Inge Faldalen presents work in progress.


Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Dec. 4, 2020 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Zoom

Anna Backman Rogers presents an overview of work in progress titled, “BFI Classics: Picnic at Hanging Rock.”

Anna Backman Rogers presents an overview for the first standalone volume on Peter Weir's cult classic Picnic at Hanging Rock, examining the film's key themes through a psychoanalytic, feminist and decolonial lens. 

Media Aesthetics Workshop

"Screen Cultures at Media Aesthetics" (4)

Time and place: Nov. 6, 2020 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Zoom

Kim Wilkins presents work in progress titled "From the Berlin project".

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Oct. 9, 2020 1:00 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

Hans Kristian Rustad presents work in progress.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

"Screen Cultures at Media Aesthetics" (3)

Time and place: Sep. 4, 2020 1:00 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418)

Media Aesthetics invites Screen Cultures to a joint workshop focusing on Screen Cultures. 

High Speed * Brainstorming * Screen Cultures 

Four Screen Cultures MA students will present materials from their ongoing Master’s thesis projects. What is interesting, striking, annoying, comical, tragic? Please join us. 

Materials will include Youtube videos of the Alt-Right, romantic scenes from Iranian movies, the #Munch hashtag on Instagram and ‘Covidiot’-shaming posts on Twitter.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Aug. 21, 2020 1:00 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

Liv Hausken presents work in progress on “Conceptions of Deepfakes”.

Because of the coronavirus situation the workshop will be held via Zoom. 

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time: June 5, 2020 1:00 PM–3:00 PM

Eimantė Liubertaitė presents a draft of the introduction to her dissertation, titled Confessional Subjectivity and Ironic Distance in Metamodern Literary Memoirs.

Annie Fee presents work in progress titled "Interwar Cinephilia and the Question of Class."

Because of the coronavirus situation the workshop will be held via Zoom. 

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: May 8, 2020 1:00 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

Gry Cecilie Rustad presents work in progress.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

"Screen Cultures at Media Aesthetics" (2)

Time and place: Apr. 3, 2020 1:00 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418)

Media Aesthetics invites Screen Cultures to a joint workshop focusing on Screen Cultures.

Jon Inge Faldalen will present his book proposal, titled Filmmaking Style - Joachim Trier writing, directing and editing The Worst Person in the World.

Due to the Corona situation this workshop will be held via Zoom. 

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Mar. 6, 2020 1:00 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

Synne Tollerud Bull presents part of her ongoing post.doc project on interactive (cinematic) maps and remote sensing operations in artistic forms of proxistance.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

"Screen Cultures at Media Aesthetics" (1)

Time and place: Feb. 7, 2020 1:00 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMV

Media Aesthetics invites Screen Cultures to a joint workshop focusing on Screen Cultures. 

Steffen Krüger will use the opportunity to dust off his pet project with the working title "Instagram, plasticity and mental health - the persistent question of narcissism in social media". 

The steady ascent of the image-sharing platform Instagram to a global “cultural powerhouse” (Victor, 2018) has been accompanied (although not perturbed) by constant warnings about its harmful effects on its users’ self-esteem and body image. “You Won’t Find Your Self-Worth on Instagram” (Marikar, 2019); “Why Instagram Is the Worst Social Media for Mental Health” (MacMillan, 2017). Such headlines are supported by empirical findings that correlate social media use with self-objectification, internalisation of beauty ideals, dissatisfaction with one’s body and poor self-esteem (e.g. Fardouly et al, 2018; Feltman & Szymanski, 2018). 

The correlation between social media use and low self-esteem is by no means new, but has, together with the younger user demographics, moved from Facebook to Instagram. While these two platforms are markedly different from each other, their differences are outweighed by the similarities in their effects on users’ self-image (see e.g. Fardouly, 2018, p. 1382).  Whereas Facebook has been pushing a preference for idealised self-presentations since its launch in 2004, Instagram’s emphasis on imagery, artistry and celebrity seems to have exacerbated this drive towards idealisation further. The FaceTune application, presently synonymous with image practices on Instagram, allows users to freely manipulate their own likeness, from the removal of pimples, via the modulation of smiles, to the subtle change of one’s face shape and the correction of the position of the eyes. 

These possibilities of playful self-optimisation have a highly seductive potential. And yet, the question of what it is that keeps so many of us attached to practices that also come at such a high cost for one’s mental health remains somewhat elusive. While the answer clearly needs to be found in the wider cultural contexts in which Instagram is embedded, I want to approach these contexts via the psychological concept of narcissism.

Narcissism is by no means underused in studies on social media – to the contrary, there is a deluge of publications drawing on the term (Campbell & McCain, 2016). In these publications, however, narcissism is frequently applied in a simplistic way that does not only leave its meaning potential largely untapped, but tends to render the concept essentialist and characterological. In this view, narcissists, due to their will to self-aggrandisement, are prone to spend more time on social media than the average user, amass more followers and post more status updates and selfies (Campbell & McCain, 2019). 

Against the grain of this tradition, I want to insert the concept of narcissism into research on the link between digital media and self-esteem, by unpacking its meaning potentials in post-Freudian psychoanalytic works. Specifically, I will shed light on narcissism as the interchanging between states of possession and non-possession of one’s self (Mitchell, 1974), as the illusion of self-sufficiency in situations of extreme dependency (Walsh, 2015) and the anxious response to the question of ‘How does the other want me to be?’ (Johnson, 1996). Bringing these understandings in touch with research on Instagram and self-esteem will give us a better grasp of the wider cultural contexts to which they belong. ​

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Jan. 17, 2020 1:00 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, Room 418, IMK

Timotheus Vermeulen will present his book proposal about acting and temporality with the working title “Acting time! Performance, history and temporality in film and television”.


Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Dec. 6, 2019 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

Andreas Nilsen Ervik presents a draft of the conclusion to his doctoral thesis, "You Might Like This - Playful, Stupid, Cute and Funny Diversions".


Digital diversions are the aspects of screen-living attracting people to procrastinate. This thesis diverts from regular responses to diversions, such as personal and political subversion and critique, to instead examine how diversions actually function: What is it about digital games, mindless web-browsing, cute animal images and political mockery that makes such media forms so attractive? The project develops a research method of reverse-engineering to model the production of diversions. This reverse-engineering aims for something producers may have no need for: explaining why something diverts. The project further considers the ways in which diversions influence the possibilities of reflection today, approaching them not only to understand but also to learn from: How can programming instruct philosophical reverse-engineering; digital games inform playful writing; clickbait reveal the potency of stupidity; animal clips produce empathy and creativity; and trolling contribute to political discourse? Rather than accidents of media, diversions offer a way of reconsidering media as diverting and as diversions from humans, which lead to processes of evolution irreducible to our intentions and interests. Using perspectives from philosophy and biology, the thesis examines structural overlap between organic and media evolution. What we consider uniquely and contemporary human is thereby reconfigured as dynamic behavior of earth expressivity: microbes diverting, playful plants, fungal stupidity, cute animals and funny hunter-gatherers.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Nov. 1, 2019 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

Aud Sissel Hoel will present an article with the working title "Image/medium/machine/milieu: An operational approach to media theory".

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Oct. 11, 2019 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

Taina Bucher will present work in progress, "Facebook is Facebook".

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Sep. 6, 2019 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

  • Kim Wilkins presents an article in progress with the working title "The Ongoing Impact of American New Wave Mythology"
  • Synne Tollerud Bull and Elisabeth Brun present their project idea in progress on "Environmental Humanities".

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Aug. 23, 2019 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

Liv Hausken will introduce to a discussion about media aesthetics and genealogy, taking chapter 2 in Colin Koopman's book Genealogy as Critique, "Three Uses of Genealogy" (2013), as point of departure.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: June 7, 2019 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

  • Gry Rustad presents a work in progress in form of a book chapter.
  • Discussion of the use of the HUMEVAL budget and the research group's future project and conference ideas.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: May 10, 2019 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

  • Ove Solum presents a work in progress which was intended for a publication related to the project “Scandinavian narratives of guilt”.
  • Bülent Somay presents a work in progress called 'The End of Truth as We Know It: The Disintegration of the University Discourse'.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Apr. 5, 2019 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

  • Ragnhild Tronstad will present and discuss her article "Opplevelser av nærvær: Formidling av interaktiv mediekunst", which constructs, amongst others, a media aesthetic perspective on the mediation of such works of art. The article is part of the newly published book "Kunstformidling. Fra verk til betrakter", edited by Charlotte Blanche Myrvold and Gerd Elise Mørland.
  • PhD-candidate Jørgen Alnæs will discuss the terms territorium and imaginative geography against the background of his doctoral thesis.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Mar. 1, 2019 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

Elisabeth Brun will present some work in progress movie clips from her docoral thesis (preliminary) called «Sediments, Configurations and Gaps: topographies of place, mind and the moving image». 

The thesis re-conceptualizes and develops certain methods of my filmmaking practice into a research approach: a series of steps, putting structures of meaning in tension with cinematic techniques in order to re-cognize and re-flect on the structural impact of place and environments on the human mind. The project builds on the project of Topographical Thinking, a field in the intersection between philosophy and creative practice research which regard creative pratices such as architecture and literature as a certain "mapping" or "writing" of place structures. Brun's argument is that the making of moving images has particular and undeveloped potential within this field. 
The presentation will include a series of moving image clips illustrating and exploring the method of research. The aim is to discuss possible ways of interpreting the film material. 

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Feb. 8, 2019 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

  • Jon Inge Faldalen will present a work-in-progress excerpt of his doctoral thesis "Still Einstellung: Stillmoving Imagenesis".
  • Following the presentation will be a discussion of the development of the research-project in connection to the HUMEVAL-budget.

Media Aesthetics Workshop

Time and place: Jan. 4, 2019 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

Part 1

Halvard Marrable "Vår tid i lys av fremtiden – maskinlæring, kunstig intelligens og stordata i science fiction sjangeren"

Halvard will present a text in connection to the subject MEVIT4895 "Conference attendance with presentation". The presentation will be held in Norwegian

Part 2

Emil Leth Meilvang: The Botany of Dreams: Man Ray's Herbarium

"I have written a chapter for my dissertation called "The Botany of Dreams: Man Ray’s Herbarium" that deals with Man Ray's flower photography of the early 1930s and how they connect with botany, fetishism, the photographic atlas, and psychoanalysis. A couple of weeks back, I decided to re-structure my dissertation, leaving out the chapter entirely. This in turn also means that I will try to turn the text into an article. I would therefore love to hear everybody's take on how I could improve it as a autonomous piece of research. It is indeed still very much work-in-progress. All comments are most welcome."


Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Dec. 7, 2018 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Room 418), IMK

Andreas Ervik: From anonymous trolling to mainstream politics: Electing a meme for president.

Andreas Ervik presents a chapter from his thesis. The thesis develops a digital biology using theoretical and empirical material from biology to analyze the development of digital systems. Starting from the emergence of early computational experimentation the project moves into mainstream adoption, the development of internetworking and the formation of social media profiles and communities. Searching for similarities of process between digital and organic systems, digital evolution is analyzed through research on microorganisms, plants, fungi, animals and social structure formation. The chapter presented here deals with the latter of these, conceptualizing internet communities through the passing of threshold from animal to human communities. The central part of online communities in focus here is Internet memes. Memes were originally coined by Richard Dawkins as a cultural equivalent for the genetic unit of natural selection, but have since mutated into designating mostly funny images circulated online. The chapter centers on memes of Donald Trump, and the notion emerging in online communities of ‘electing a meme for president’. 

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Nov. 2, 2018 10:15 AM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Rom 418), IMK

The usual Media Aesthetics workshop will be expanded into a half-day seminar. The occasion is that we will be having two guest speakers: Our guest-PhD candidate Maja Bak Herrie from Aarhus University, and our new professor for Media Aesthetics Aud Sissel Hoel from NTNU.

Theme: What is a digital object?

The modern world is into data. Data are everywhere and piling up, and so, the hopes for data-driven analyses and advanced statistical models for utilising the accumulating mass are many. As a result, novel methods for data processing are developed and applied in various fields of research, in modern policy decisions, in protocols of public health and medical practice, and in investment strategies and derivative instruments of finance capital (Gitelman 2013). But what else is brought about with these new techniques? What new ways of seeing, shaping, and acting in our world are presented alongside these models, what new aesthetic experiences and artefacts emerge?

In this seminar, we will approach the discussions of data and data-driven analysis through the lens of theoretical objects. The idea of such objects is far from new and has been discussed in the fields of political thinking (Althusser 1967) and art history (Damisch 1998). However, it has not yet been applied to or thought of in relation to data-driven analyses or other kinds of technologically conveyed knowledge production. We will investigate some of the possible resources to be gained by this idea and see if can help us develop an understanding of what could tentatively be termed digital objects.


  • Maja Bak Herrie will open a discussion of a central part of her doctoral dissertation Det digitale objekts æstetik
  • Maja Bak Herrie and Aud Sissel Hoel will discuss the idea of theoretical objects in Louis Althusser and Hubert Damisch respectively
  • Discussion

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Oct. 12, 2018 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet (Rom 418), IMK

Andrew David Lock: Attending to the unoccupied room: intervals, silences and surrogates for absent bodies, in and through art practice.

Andrew David Lock (Research Fellow, University of Bergen) will present the following work in progress: "The empty room; the interval; silence and the material surrogate or proxy for the absent human body. A curious set of apparently disparate phenomena, whose manifestations and particularly conjunctions – emergent in my own artistic research – I’m curious to (also) explore in wider cultural production and traditions. Consequently, I now find myself reaching out to examine their occurrences and conjunctions in such practices as fine art, cinema, literature, musical composition, religion and secular memorialisation; finding varied instances in for example the cinema of Yasujirō Ozu and the short stories of Heinrich Böll, as well as in the work of John Cage and in the publicly observed silences of mass commemorations.

I want to use the seminar to examine the appearance of these phenomena in my own work and to understand their place in wider cultural discourses, based on such instances as those I’ve just described."

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: Sep. 7, 2018 1:15 PM–3:00 PM

Steffen Krueger og Mats Andreas Nielsen: "Click – stream – like – comment – share: A critical discussion of the webseries Skam and Skam Austin, Facebook Watch, and social media television".

Steffen Krueger og Mats Andreas Nielsen present work in progress.


In this article, we aim to cast a critical light on recent developments in the convergence of television and social media, by offering a comparative analysis of the Norwegian webseries Skam (2015–2017) with its US adaption, Skam Austin, whose first season was commissioned and published on the corporate social networking site Facebook and its streaming service, Facebook Watch. We will do this from within the conceptual framework of Critical Theory, drawing on Christian Fuchs’s reading of the Marxist philosopher Georg Lukacs, as well as Dieter Prokop’s discussion of the aesthetics of the culture industry. Along the lines of the latter, we will argue for the need for a more critical approach within Television Studies, one that is capable of analyzing the concrete ways in which symbolic and cultural dimensions of objects and phenomena relate to the economic, technological and/or infrastructural ones. Specifically, with the cases of Skam and Skam Austin, we aim to highlight the concrete ways in which the political-economic framework under and through which cultural production takes place can play into the aesthetics and politics of a given television show – its audiovisual and narratological style, its production and dissemination, as well as its sociocultural aims and effects.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: June 1, 2018 1:15 PM – 3: 00 PM

  • Kjetil Rødje presents a draft of an ongoing project entitled "Articulating the inexplicable in Harmony Korine's Spring Breakers and Trash Humpers"
  • Jon Inge Faldalen introduces text. 

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: May 4, 2018 1:15 PM – 3: 00 PM

  • Ellef Prestsæter presents his own work
  • The text that will be presented at the seminar is John Bender & Michael Marrians: "Diagram", chapter 2 in Culture of Diagram, pp. 19-53. 

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: Apr. 6, 2018 1:15 PM – 3: 00 PM

  • Synne Tollerud Bull presents the introduction to Susanne Østbye Sæther and Synne Tollerud Bulls "Screen Space" (work in progress).
  • Elisabeth Brun presents Screen Production Research: "Creative Practice as a Mode of Inquiry". 

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: Mar. 2, 2018 1:15 PM – 3: 00 PM

  • Liv Hausken presents a project under development with the working title "The face in the biometric passport"
  • Annie Fee presents the introduction from Noa Steimatsky's "The Face on Film" (Oxford University Press, 2017). 

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: Feb. 2, 2018 1:15 PM – 3: 00 PM

  • Synne Tollerud shows a project under development with the title "Zoom Blue Dot" which will be presented at the Meta.Morf biennial.
  • Karin Kukkonen introduces Edvard Said's Intention and Method (1975) 

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: Jan. 5, 2018 1:15 PM – 3: 00 PM

  • Karin Kukkonen presents the work on the ERC application
  • Andreas Ervik introduces Michael Marders "Plant-thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life" 


Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Dec. 1, 2017 1:15 PM–4:00 PM, Glassburet, Room 418, IMK

  • Susanne Østby Sæther will present work-in-progress
  • Pasi Väliaho introduces Sean Silver, The Mind is a Collection (2014)

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Nov. 3, 2017 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, Room 418, IMK

  • Pasi Väliaho will present his recently published text Shadows of Expectations
  • Aron Vinegar introduces Levi Bryant's book Onto-Cartography: An Ontology of Machines and Media.

Media Aesthetic Seminar

Time and place: Oct. 13, 2017 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, Room 418, IMK

  • Aron Vinegar will present work-in-progress: "Tapetum Lucidum: Art After Hours and the Inhuman"
  • Susanne Østby Sæther introduces Antonio Somaini, "Walter Benjamin’s Media Theory and the Tradition of the Media Diaphana,” Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung (Number 7, 2016): pp. 9-25

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Sep. 1, 2017 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, Room 418, IMK

  • Timotheus Vermeulen will present work-in-progress under the title "Fiction as method"
  • Sean Cubitt will present work-in-progress: “Logistics and Behaviours: The Mass Image”

On the 31th August, the day before the seminar, a PhD workshop with Sean Cubitt and Liv Hausken will take place.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Aug. 18, 2017 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, Room 418, IMK

  • Annie Fee will present "Cocaine, Anthropometrics and Avant-Garde Beauty Queens: Photogénie Beyond Jean Epstein"
  • Ove Solum introduces Pieter Kääpäs, Ecology and Contemporary Nordic Cinemas (2014)

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: June 2, 2017

  • Sara Rundgren Yazdani presents her ongoing project.
  • Maria Moseng presents her ongoing project.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: May 5, 2017

  • Mats Andreas Nielsen will present his own work under the title “The philosopher and the technician: Towards a post-phenomenological path beyond the divide”
  • Susanne Østbye Sæther will present the third chapter "«Eco-political Aesthetics»" from Sean Cubitts' “Finite Media: Environmental Implications of Digital Technologies”(2016).

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: Apr. 7, 2017

  • Visiting guest reseacher Luis Lisbona presents his Ph.D project with the working title "The Mass Landscape".
  • Jon Inge Faldalen presents John Durham Peters' The Marvelous Clouds. Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media

Media Aesthetics seminar / Technologies of Space: verticality, Volume, Infrastructure

Time: Mar. 2, 2017–Mar. 3, 2017

Media Aesthetic seminar will this month serve as a two-day event, with text seminar Thursday 2 March and then a full-day symposium Friday March 3, Technologies of Space: verticality, Volume, Infrastructure.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: Feb. 3, 2017

  • Jorunn Aarseth presents her project “Forestillinger om døden i en teknologisk, mediert og akselerert virkelighet"
  • Timotheus Vermeulen presents the text New Depthness, published in E-Flux magazine 01/12/15 and the unpublished text Flat Film.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: 6 Jan. 2017 13: 15–15: 00, Kunstnernes Hus

This year's first Media Aesthetics seminar will be held at Kunstnernes Hus, Wergelandsveien 17, in the restaurant Lofthus Samvirkelag.

  • Initially, we will see and discuss the exhibition Seeable / Sayable.
  • Mads Andreas Nielsen presents John Durham Peters’ “Strange Sympathies: Horizons of German and American Media Theory". 


Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Dec. 2, 2016 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Karin Kukkonen will present a draft chapter to the book "How the Novel Found its Feet: Embodiment in Eighteenth-Century Fiction»  
  • Sara Orning and Ingvil Hellstrand presents the upcoming article "Posthuman care: gender, body and affect in the TV series Real Humans"

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Nov. 4, 2016 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glasburet, IMK

  • Sara R. Yazdani will show an early video, Tv Snow (1987), by Wolfgang Tillmans and initiates a discussion on “On Wolfgang Tillmans’s Tv-Snow” wich is part of her doctoral thesis.
  • Jorgen Alnæs submits Edward W. Sojas "The trialectics of spatiality" for discussion. This is a chapter in the book Third Space: Journeys two Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places (1996)

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Oct. 14, 2016 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Jon Inge Faldalen presents a text with the working title "Lumiere and the Still Einstellung of Early Cinema".
  • Susanne Østby Sæther presents "Introduction: The Becoming Topological of Culture" by Celia Lury, Luciana Parisi and Tiziana Terranova from Journal Theory, Culture, Society.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Sep. 2, 2016 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Susanne Østby Sæther will present «Introduction» to the forthcoming anthology with the production title Screen Space Reconfigured.
  • Sara Yazdani presents a chapter from Wolfgang Ernst's latest book Chronopoetics: The temporal Being and Operativity of Technological media 

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Aug. 26, 2016 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Gry Cecilie Rustad and Steffen Krüger submits draft article on the reception of NRK's ​​drama Shame and disgrace establishment of transitional spaces online for audience it targets.
  • Synne Bull puts forth "(not) in place: The Grid, or Cultural Techniques of Ruling Spaces" by Bernhard Siegert in Cultural Techniques: Grids, filters, doors, and other articulations of the real, Fordham Univ. Press NY 201

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: June 3, 2016 1:15 PM–4:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Jørgen Alnæs presents the article draft "Maps in context and the Production of Territory", which is part of his doctoral project.
  • Maria Moseng shows clips from Adam Curtis' film Bitter Lake (2015) and begins the discussion.
  • We discuss this autumn's program for workshops and other events.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: 13. may 2016 13:15–15:00, Room 410, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Sara Orning presents the article "Gender and sexuality in the negotiation between man and machine" which she writes together with Ingvil Hellstrand. The text will be circulated on Friday 6 May.
  • Liv Hausken presents a draft bibliographic article on "Media Aesthetics".

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Apr. 1, 2016 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Steffen Krüger presents the opening editorial of the journal "Subjectivity".
  • Susanne Østby Sœther presents a text for discussion.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Mar. 4, 2016 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Ragnhild Tronstad presents her text "The Aesthetics of Play".
  • Mats Andreas Nielsen presents a text from his master thesis.

Media Aesthetics Seminar: Posthumanism

Time and place: Feb. 5, 2016 10:15 AM–5:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

The research area Media Aesthetics at IMK, UiO, arranges a whole day workshop on posthumanism, examining influential texts for posthumanist discourse.

With the added dimension of the nonhuman - ranging from animals to plants, to the nonliving, including technological objects, posthumanism can be considered a counter to a unidrectional emphasis on the human being. In the workshop we will explore different posthuman ontologies and methodlogies.

We will discuss texts by N. Katherine Hayles, Rosi Braidotti, Jane Bennett, Manuel De Landa, Donna Haraway and Karen Barad, exploring questions such as: What does posthumanism imply? What does a shift from humanism to posthumanism mean for the humanities?


  • Hayles, N. Katherine (1999): «Toward Embodied Virtuality» and «Virtual Bodies and Flickering Signifiers», In: How We Became Posthuman, Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, pp. 1-49.
  • Braidotti, Rosi (2013): «Introduction» and «Posthuman Humanities: Life Beyond Theory», In: The Posthuman, Cambridge: Polity, pp. 1-12 and 143-185.
  • Haraway, Donna (2003): «Emergent Nature-Cultures», In: Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs People and Significant Otherness, Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, pp. 1-39.
  • De Landa, Manuel (1997): «Sandstone and Granite» and «Species and Ecosystems», In: A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History, New York: Swerve Editions, pp. 57-70 and 135-147.
  • Bennett, Jane (2010): «The Agency of Assemblage», In: Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things, Durham and London: Duke University Press Books, pp. 20-38
  • Barad, Karen (2007): «Agential Realism: How Material Discursive Practices Matter», In: Meeting the Universe Halfway, Durham and London: Duke University Press, pp. 132-185.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Jan. 8, 2016 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Sara Elina Rundgren Yazdani presents a text from her PhD-project for discussion.
  • Susan Falkenås presents a text from her master thesis for discussion.


Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Dec. 4, 2015 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Kjetil Klette Bøhler presents his research project for discussion.
  • Susan Falkenås presents a chapter from her master thesis for discussion.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Nov. 6, 2015 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Andreas Ervik presents a text by Patricia Pisters for discussion.
  • Synne Tollerud Bull presents a text from her PhD-project.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Oct. 9, 2015 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Fredrik Christiansen presens a chapter from Tamar Sharons book Human Nature in an Age of Biotechnology: The Case for Mediated Posthumanism.
  • Synne Tollerud Bull presents a text from her PhD-project for discussion.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Sep. 4, 2015 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • We discuss Gry Cecilie Rustad's text: Experiencing Twin Peaks: Addressing diversity in viewing 25 years of quality TV.
  • We discuss Synne Skjulstad's text: Graphic Design Speculations: Teaching Visual Identity for Water Sustainability within a Speculative Design Framework.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Aug. 21, 2015 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Susan Falkenås presents Siegfried Zielinskis book Deep Time of the Media – Towards an Archaeology of Hearing and Seeing by Technical Means for discussion.
  • Liv Hausken presents a draft for an article on media aesthetics, which will be published in Oxford Bibliographies.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: June 5, 2015 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Susan Falkenås presents a draft from her master thesis for discussion.
  • Sara Elina Rundgren Yazdani presents part of her PhD-dissertation for discussion.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: May 8, 2015 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Steffen Krüger presents his blog for discussion.
  • Gustav Jørgen Pedersen presents two chapters from his PhD-project.

Media Aesthetics Seminar april15

Time and place: Apr. 10, 2015 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Synne Skjulstad presents her text with the tentative topic "Alexander McQueen, a media aesthetic analysis of the showing of spring/summer collection VOSS (2001), with a focus on the sublime".
  • Synne Bull presents her text "Volumteric (H)overview: The Progressive Geography of Aerial View in Motion" which will be published in the booki Screen Space Reconfigured.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Mar. 6, 2015 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Gry Rustad presents her paper "GIFs, Memes, and 'Telephilia': The Aesthetics of a Digital Television Spectatorship", which will be presented at SCMS (the yearly conference of Society for Cinema and Media Studies).
  • Mats Andreas Nielsen presents the project description for his master thesis in technological philosophy (with a particular focus on "embodiment in digital technics").

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Feb. 6, 2015 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Andreas Ervik presents a chapter from his master thesis, "Approximations of the Tumblr Fitness Landscape".
  • Jon Inge Faldalen shows an excerpt from James Benning's video Stemple Pass.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Jan. 9, 2015 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Ina Blom presents her text "Passive Viewing: Video Watching Television» - et av de siste kapitlene i monografien The Autobiography of Video. The Life and Times of a Memory Technology  (New York: Sternberg Press 2015/2016).
  • We discuss a new application for the research program KULMEDIA. 


Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Dec. 12, 2014 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Gry Rustad presents her text "Discourses of Scandinavian quality TV".
  • Nikita Mathias presents his text "The Sublime in Disaster Movies. The Cinema's Sublime Disasters Discussed Within the History of Images, the Media and Ideas".

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Nov. 7, 2014 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Susanne Østby Sæther presents her article "Gestures of Touch in Recent Video Art: Towards a New Haptic Mode".
  • Liv Hausken presents her text "The face in the biometric passport"

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Oct. 10, 2014, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Anders Lysne: "Om tone i film" (On Tone in Film). The text is a theoretic discussion of the term as a film analytic tool, and as an introduction on how it is used in the dissertation.
  • Gry Rustad and Sara Orning presents Steven Soderbergh's new TV-series, The Knick (Cinemax, 2014).

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Sep. 5, 2014 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Steffen Krüger presents an article he has written together with Jacob Johanssen fra University of East London, "Alienation and Digital Labour", for feedback and discussion.
  • Jon Inge Faldalen presents the chapter "Still/Moving. Digital Imaging and Medical Hermeneutics" by Scott Curtis from the book Memory Bytes. History, Technology, and Digital Culture (ed. Rabinovitz og Geil, Duke 2004).

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Aug. 15, 2014 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Maria Moseng og Synne Bull presents their PhD-applications.
  • Steffen Krüger presents the project Metabolism,  with introduction + three short abstracts by Liv Hausken, Aud Sissel Hoel og Erling Moestue Bugge.

Media Aesthetics

Time and place: June 6, 2014, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Sara Rundgren Yazdani presents her phd-project.
  • Andreas Ervik presents Manuel De Landa's Philosophy and Simulation. The Emergence of Synthetic Reason.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: May 2, 2014 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Trine Haagensen presents her own text for discussion and feedback
  • Liv Hausken presents Harun Farockis tekst "Phantom Images", as well as a selection of short texts from The Operative Image.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Apr. 4, 2014 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Fredrik Christiansen presents his PhD-application about bio art.
  • Susanne Østby Sæther presents Mika Elo's article "Formatting the Senses of Touch." It can be found in Transformations, Issue No. 22, 2012.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time: Mar. 7, 2014 1:15 PM

  • Synne Bull presents a draft of an article for discussion.
  • Ove Solum gives an introduction to Sean Cubitt's text "Making Space", which can be downloade from the webpage Senses of Cinema. 

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Feb. 7, 2014 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Jon Inge Faldalen presents the article "Still Einstellung: Stillmoving Imagenesis" as a draft for a chapter of his dissertation.
  • Project development for Media Aesthetics collaborative project "Imag(in)ing Technologies. Media Aesthetics, Instrumental Imaging, and the Arts".

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Jan. 10, 2014 1:15 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Liv Hausken presents her article "Imaging the Brain in a Visual Culture of Portrait Photography".
  • Ove Solum presents "Introduction" in Supercinema: Film-Philosophy For the Digital Age av William Brown.


Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Dec. 6, 2013 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Jon Inge Faldalen and Ove Solum will present a project.
  • Sara Orning will present Linda Williams' essay "Film Bodies: Gender,   Genre, and Excess" for discussion. 

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Nov. 1, 2013 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Susanne Sæther presents a text for discussion and feedback.
  • Liv Hausken will present her newly published book "Thinking Media Aesthetics" (2013).

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Oct. 11, 2013 1:15 PM–Oct. 4, 2013 3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Helge Rønning will talk about the relation between film and literature with examples from Luchino Visconti's Il Gattopardo (Leoparden) (1962).
  • The talk will be followed by a discussion. 

The film will be screened at IMK during the same week:

  • 7 October 1.00-3.10 pm in Room 205 IMK
  • 8 October 10.00-13.15 pm in Room 208 IMK

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Sep. 6, 2013 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Steffen Kreuger will present his article "My own private 22nd of July – depth hermeneutic readings of VG Nett’s Min 22. juli" for discussion.  
  • Andreas Ervik will present a paper for feedback. 

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Aug. 23, 2013 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Synne Skjulstad will show the two short films Dior's "Lady Blue Shanghai" by David Lynch and Prada's "A Therapy" by Roman Polanksi for a discussion about "fashion films".
  • Steffen Kreuger will present a chapter from zfm (Zeitschrift fur Medienwissenschaft) I/2013, which focus is on Media aesthetics in Germany.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: June 7, 2013 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Liv Hausken presents text for feedback and discussion.
  • Sara Orning presents a text for feedback and discussion.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: May 3, 2013 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Ingrid Hoelz presents a chapter for her "Screenicity" book for feedback.
  • Jon Inge Faldalen presents Bazin's "The ontology of the photographic image".

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Apr. 5, 2013 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK, Forskningsparken

  • Anders Lysne presents his text "Tonally Teen?" for discussion and feedback.
  • Sara Orning presents a text by Linda Williams.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Mar. 1, 2013 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Taina Bucher will present her own "Objects of Intense Feeling" text for discussion and feedback.
  • Silja Johnson will present the introduction from her Master dissertation with the title "Det kroppslig situerte blikket i Carlos Reygadas' Post Tenebras Lux"

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Feb. 1, 2013 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Jon Inge Faldalen presents his text "Imagenesis: Toward a Geography of Shadows and Reflections on Fixed and Fluid Surfaces, or An Inquiry into the Still Moving Imageability of Nature", which is a draft of this forthcoming PhD thesis.
  • Gustav Pedersen presents Dufrenne's text "Intentionality and Aesthetics".

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Jan. 11, 2013 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Gustav Jørgen Pedersen will present a chapter from his Master dissertation for discussion and feedback.
  • We will discuss our current media aesthetic curriculum and plan the term. 


Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Dec. 7, 2012 1:15 PM–4:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Steffen Krüger will present his text "How far can I make my fingers stretch?"
  • Liv Hausken discusses the theme phenomenology and aesthetics. 

The seminar follows by the yearly Christmas and end of year celebrations.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Nov. 2, 2012 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Synne Skjulstad will present a text on phenomenology for discussion. 
  • Ingrid Hoelzl presents a chapter from her forthcoming book for feedback and discussion.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Oct. 12, 2012 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

The topics of the October seminar are "Individualism and neoliberalism on the screen" and Vivian Sobchack.

  • Håvard Vibeto presents the topic film and phenomenology via texts by Vivian Sobchack.
  • Audun Solli will present his text "Individualism and neoliberalism on the screen" for feedback and discussion. The text is a first draft of a chapter in his PhD dissertation.

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Sep. 7, 2012 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Jon Inge Faldalen presents three texts of Edmund Husserl from Edmund Husserl by Sven-Olaf Wallenstein (ed.)
  • Ove Solum will show the short film "Eating Out" by Pål Sletaune for discussion. 

Media Aesthetics Seminar

Time and place: Aug. 24, 2012 1:15 PM–4:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Trine Krigsvoll Haagensen and Sara Rundgren present their PhD research proposals for discussions.
  • McLuhan filmscreening 

Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: June 1, 2012 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

The last media aesthetic workshop before the summer holiday, a celebration of the summer and our two years anniversary!

  • Karolina Bieszczad-Roley presents a text for discussion. 

Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: May 4, 2012 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Nadège Lourme Hanssen-Bauer presents the text: A Cinematic Embodied Ethics for discussion and feedback.
  • Jon Inge Faldalen presents the text "Enfoldment and Infinity. An Islamic Genealogy of New Media Art" by Laura U. Marks (2010).

13 April 2012 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Apr. 13, 2012 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Sara Rundgren Yazdani presents a chapter from her master's thesis: "Re-inventing the Portrait".
  • Håvard Vibeto presents a text by Harold A. Innis: "The Bias of Communication" from 1951. Additional reading for those especially interested: "Harold Adam Innis and Marshall McLuhan" from 1967 by James W Carey. 

2 March 2012 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Mar. 2, 2012 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Steffen Krüger's paper: Between Mourning, Melancholia, and Repression – Media Reactions to recent findings of Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Germany for discussion and feedback. 
  • Audun Solli's paper 'Analyzing society by viewing cinema: The why and the how with Gilles Deleuze and Robert Entman'.

3 February 2012 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Feb. 3, 2012 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Ingrid Hoelzl are for the time being working with a chapter in her forthcoming book. Therefore she wishes to discuss one of the central texts of this chapter: "Entering a risky territory" by Bruno Latour et al.
  • Audun Solli presents the text Analyzing society by viewing cinema: The why and the how with Gilles Deleuze and Robert Entman for discussion and feedback. 
  • Johanne K. Servoll presents extracts from McLuhan's Gutenberg Galaxy.

6 January 2012 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Jan. 6, 2012 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Ragnhild Tronstad and Synne Skjulstad are presenting the text Persuasive Interaction for discussion and feedback.  
  • Ingrid Hoelzl presents Canadian media aesthetics. Texts: Chapter 9 and 10 from Janine Marchessault's book Marshall McLuhan: Cosmic Media. 
  • The presentation and discussion will proceed in English.


2 December 2011 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Dec. 2, 2011 1:15 PM–4:00 PM, IMK - Glassburet

Media Aesthetic Special: Christmas end-of-term party 

The last media aesthetical workshop in 2011 is expanded with one hour, from 1315 to 1600.

  • Sara Rundgren Yazdani presents the paper "Cross Section of Revolution: The aesthetic experience of audio sound in contemporary art installations" as part of the module Mevit 4895 Conference participation.
  • Helge Rønning presents Alexander Kluge, after a screening of a Kluge-film. Discussion will follow. 

4 November 2011 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Nov. 4, 2011 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, IMK - Glassburet

  • Ove Solum presents Friedrich Kittler's Optiske medier - to forelesninger. 
  • Taina Bucher presents text for discussion, feedback and comments. 

7 October 2011 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Oct. 7, 2011 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, IMK - Glassburet

  • Susanne Østby Sæther presents Wolfgang Ernst's Sorlet ur arkiven. 
  • Jon Inge Faldalen presents text for discussion, feedback and comments. 

2 September 2011 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Sep. 2, 2011 1:15 PM–3:15 PM, IMK - Glassburet

19 August 2011 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Aug. 19, 2011 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

The first presentations of this fall's theme: German Media Aesthetic.

  • Steffen Krüger presents the epilogue of "Medienästhetische Schriften" by Walter Benjamin. The text is written by Dettlev Schöttker. 
  • Ove Solum shows the film "Bak lukkede dører" by Aleksander Nordaas. The film lasts for nine minutes and can be accessed at the web. Please have a look at the film before the meeting.

3 June 2011 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: June 3, 2011 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Susanne Østby Sæther presents a text.
  • Summer party!

6 May 2011 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: May 6, 2011 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • The text : "Adressing Media" by W.J.T. Mitchell is introduced by Ragnhild Tronstad and opens the discussion.

1 April 2011 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Apr. 1, 2011 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Jon Inge Faldalen presents the project: "Blikkstille bevegelsesbilder".
  • Siv Heidi Hansen presents the project: "Artist´s books - estetiske og institusjonelle konsekvenser".

4 March 2011 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Mar. 4, 2011 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Synne Skjulstad presents the Acne-project.
  • Johanne Kielland Servoll presents a text for discussion. 

4 February 2011 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Feb. 4, 2011 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Topic: The Digitalization of the Norwegian Cinema: Aesthetical, Institutional and Cultural Political consequences.
  • Discussion of potential research- and student projects.

7 January 2011 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Jan. 7, 2011 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Susanne Østby Sæther presents a chapter from her thesis.
  • We discuss a text written by Geert Lovink.


2 December 2010 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Dec. 2, 2010 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Taina Bucher presents the project "Understanding Software-subject Relations in The Age of the Social Web".
  • Text: "Introduction" from "Critical Terms in Media Studies (2010), Hansen, Mark B. N og Mitchell, W.J.T. Liv Hausken opens the discussion.

5 November 2010 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Nov. 5, 2010 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Trine Krigsvoll Haagensen presents the Ph.D. project " Kunnskap om bilder av kunnskap".
  • Gry Rustad presents "Enigma and Ereignis: narrative and non-narrative time in The Wire, Mad Men, and Arrested Development".

1 October 2010 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Oct. 1, 2010 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Thomas Elsaesser opens under the title "Digital Cinema: Paradoxes, Contradictions and the Logic of the Supplement".

3 September 2010 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: Sep. 3, 2010 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK

  • Liv Hausken presents the first draft of the article "Forensic Fiction and The Normalization of Surveillance".
  • Synne Skjulstad presents material from her Acne-project, followed by discussion.

25 June 2010 - Media Aesthetical Seminar

Time and place: June 25, 2010 1:15 PM–3:00 PM, Glassburet, IMK


  • Miriam Hansen, "Why Media Aesthetics?". Audun Engelstad opens the discussion.
  • Jon Inge Faldalen and Gry Rustad: Uncomedy and Absurdedy.
Published June 17, 2022 1:59 PM - Last modified Jan. 3, 2024 1:35 PM