Research Forum: Veronika Muchitsch and Riccardo Simionato

Presentation of two ongoing research projects at IMV

A sound wave in green, red, yellow, blue and orange with high and low pitches on a black background

Veronika Muchitsch will present the paper: “Spotify Wrapped, social media, and constructions of listeners in online music cultures.”

In her postdoctoral research at the Department of Musicology at the University of Oslo and Gender Studies at Södertörn University, Sweden, Veronika examines how Spotify mediates music and gender at the intersections of automated and human processes of curation.

In her PhD project (Department of Musicology, Uppsala University 2020), she examined how gendered voices take shape in the multiply mediated context of 21st-century popular music culture.

Riccardo Simionato will present the paper: "Deep learning approaches to musical instruments and effects modeling".

This paper is part on his ongoing PhD project. 

Riccardo is a computer science engineer who graduated from the University of Padua. His interest is in audio modeling and synthesis, focusing on nonlinear phenomena that present acoustic and electronic instruments/devices. 

His Ph.D. addresses nonlinear audio modeling using deep learning techniques. The research takes a specific acoustic instrument, the Pianoforte, and aims to model the nonlinearities included in its mechanism, often difficult to include in digital models. Therefore, the project aims to recreate a physical piano in the digital domain capable of bridging the gap between the analog and the digital world.

These two papers will be followed by a selection of short introductions to recent publications by IMV staff. 

Publisert 3. mars 2023 10:44 - Sist endret 22. sep. 2023 14:21