By-laws of the International Ibsen Committee

Article 1: Name

The name of the organisation shall be the International Ibsen Committee.

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the Committee shall be to promote, at regular intervals, normally triennially, an International Ibsen Conference.

The objective of the Conferences is to further an informed understanding of the works of Henrik Ibsen, both in their historical context and as they have been, and continue to be, interpreted in written texts and produced on stage, film and television and in other media.
In so far as this is practicable, the Conference shall be held alternately in Norway and abroad so that every other conference shall be held in Norway.

Article 3: Status and Place of Business

  1. The Committee is a non-profit, scholarly organisation.
  2. The official address and place of business of the Committee is the Centre for Ibsen Studies at the University of Oslo, which shall be liable for the normal operating expenses incurred by the Committee.

Article 4: Membership

  1. The voting membership of the Committee shall be composed of seven delegates, five of whom shall be elected at the International Ibsen Conference, one of whom shall be nominated by the Steering Committee of the Centre for Ibsen Studies, and one of whom shall be nominated by the local organising committee of the subsequent International Ibsen Conference.
  2. The five elected delegates shall be chosen by the participants at the International Ibsen Conference in a ballot conducted at a General Meeting announced in the Conference programme. Three of the delegates shall serve for one term, and in order that continuity shall be safeguarded two delegates shall serve for two terms. Any delegate may stand for re-election. The two delegates who receive the highest number of votes shall be elected for two terms. No delegate may serve for a period exceeding two terms. A term is defined as the period of time elapsing between the election and the subsequent International Ibsen Conference.
  3. At its first meeting the Committee shall elect a president whose duties are to preside over the meetings of the Committee and to organise the business of the Committee in co-operation with its other members.
  4. A representative of the Centre for Ibsen Studies shall serve as the secretary of the Committee. The secretary shall prepare the Agenda for the meetings of the Committee, record the Minutes of its meetings and assume responsibility for its correspondence. The secretary shall not be a voting member of the Committee.


Published May 30, 2010 11:15 PM - Last modified Nov. 19, 2019 10:32 PM