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Encounter with texts in 5th grade

We explore how students cope with the new challenges they face in 5th grade.

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About the project

The transition from the 4th to 5th grade is traditionally considered to be especially demanding since new subjects are introduced, the subjects are specialized and the textbooks have more subject-specific information and difficult vocabulary.

In the fall of 5th grade national tests in reading, English and mathematics are implemented, test meant to assist teachers in facilitating students' transition between grades. We explore how students cope with the new challenges, what kind of texts and language practices they encounter, and how teachers facilitate learning for their students so they develop both the language and the competence in various subjects.

In a pilot project, we follow a group of students through two school days, observing, interviewing teachers and students, and analyze textbooks and other texts they encounter and the texts they produce, to see how they understand the academic content and make use of it themselves.


Lise Iversen Kulbrandstad (, Hedmark University College.

Tags: Multilingual competence, Multilingual language practices, Multilingual ideologies and language policies
Published Dec. 8, 2013 10:47 PM - Last modified May 31, 2024 12:49 PM


Anne Golden

(+47) 22854291

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