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Corpus assisted discourse analysis of presentations of 'dementia', 'aging' and 'elderly immigrants' in Norwegian media 1995-2015 (completed)

Media plays a crucial role in not only determining whether or not an audience is likely to have a view on an issue but also in how an issue is presented and thus understood. Media is on the other hand increasingly seen as a battleground where the polity can enter into policymaking, why media analysis also reveals how different definitions are contested, by whom and in which context.

Subproject of Multilingual Dementia


Maarja Siiner.

Photo: Nadia Frantsen, UiO.

About the project

Media plays a crucial role in not only determining whether or not an audience is likely to have a view on an issue but also in how an issue is presented and thus understood. Media is on the other hand increasingly seen as a battleground where the polity can enter into policymaking, why media analysis also reveals how different definitions are contested, by whom and in which context.

Present project applies CADS (corpus assisted discourse analysis) on analysis of Norwegian media texts (retrieved from published 2000-2015 and containing nodes ´dementia´, ´aging´ and ´elderly immigrants´. The aim of the analysis is to detect:

  • How has the presentation of these issues changed during 1995-2015?
  • How are the issues presented in different genres (newspapers, magazines)?
  • How are ´elderly immigrants´ presented in comparison to presentations of ´aging´ in general?

CADS combines quantitative and qualitative tools, and is tailored for analysis of large bodies of texts, helping to focus on central texts and central parts of texts, which can then be analyzed by applying qualitative approach. Analysis of media texts will be supplied with critical reading of central policy texts that regulate agency and allocation of resources in geriatric care and dementia diagnosing and care. Comparing the results of media and policy texts will make it possible to see how the polity vs. policymakers perceive the challenges related to care and diagnosing of elderly immigrants with dementia.


August 2015–August 2016

Published Oct. 15, 2015 4:24 PM - Last modified June 3, 2024 5:11 AM


Maarja Siiner



  • Maarja Siiner University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants