Sunniva Engh

Associate Professor - Historie
Image of Sunniva Engh
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Visiting address Niels Henrik Abels vei 36 Niels Threschows hus 0851 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1008 Blindern 0315 Oslo
Other affiliations Institutt for pedagogikk (Student)

Sunniva Engh is Associate Professor of History, affiliated with the interdisciplinary strategic research area UiO:Nordic.

Engh holds a DPhil in Modern History from the University of Oxford (2006), with the dissertation 'Population Control in the 20th Century: Scandinavian Aid to the Indian Family Planning Programme'. She also holds an MPhil in Economic and Social History (2000), University of Oxford. Engh was a postdoctoral fellow with the project 'Den norske fredstradisjonen' at the Forum for contemporary history, IAKH, University of Oslo from 2006. She was Fulbright Research Fellow at the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Relations at the City University of New York. From 2012, Engh was a senior fellow at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS) and their Centre for Asian Security Studies, with the projects 'Myanmar in Indian security policy' and 'China in Indian strategic thinking'.

Research interests

My research interests are situated at the intersections of political, social and medical history, internationally and transnationally. I have particularly worked on the international history of development co-operation, with international/global health governance and population policies as particular areas of expertise. Another field of expertise is Nordic and Norwegian political and social history, the Nordic model of society, and the countries' engagement in development, global health and security policy and international operations. Another field of research is India's foreign and security policy, India-China relations, and Myanmar and great power relations in Asia.

I am a committed research communicator and disseminator who regularly gives talks, op-eds, podcasts and other media contributions. I am particularly committed to developing courses that allow students to use their academic knowledge and skills practically, to further work relevance, and to work across disciplines and in collaboration with other sectors, such as public administration and private business.

Teaching and supervision

Research projects at IAKH

Recent publications

Tags: History


  • Engh, Sunniva; Pharo, Helge Øystein; Simensen, Jarle & Østerud, Øyvind (2023). Redaksjonens forord. In Pharo, Helge Øystein; Østerud, Øyvind; Simensen, Jarle & Engh, Sunniva (Ed.), Kampen for en ordnet verden. Dreyer Forlag A/S. ISSN 9788282656375. p. 9–12.
  • Engh, Sunniva (2023). Norge i det internasjonale helsesamarbeidet, fra mellomkrigstiden til i dag. Fra mottaker til giver av bistand, fra avventende til aktiv. In Pharo, Helge Øystein; Østerud, Øyvind; Simensen, Jarle & Engh, Sunniva (Ed.), Kampen for en ordnet verden. Dreyer Forlag A/S. ISSN 9788282656375. p. 125–151.
  • Engh, Sunniva (2023). The complexities of postcolonial international health: Karl Evang in India 1953. Medical history. ISSN 0025-7273. 67(1), p. 23–41. doi: 10.1017/mdh.2023.12. Full text in Research Archive
  • Engh, Sunniva & Brimnes, Niels (2023). Scandinavian entry points to social medicine and postcolonial health: Karl Evang and Halfdan Mahler in India. Medical history. ISSN 0025-7273. 67(1), p. 1–4. doi: 10.1017/mdh.2023.7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Engh, Sunniva (2021). The ‘Nordic model’ in international development aid. Explanation, experience and export. In Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Mjøset, Lars; Mordhorst, Mads & Petersen, Klaus (Ed.), The Making and Circulation of Nordic Models, Ideas and Images. Routledge. ISSN 9781003156925. p. 124–142. doi: https:/ Full text in Research Archive
  • Engh, Sunniva (2021). Transatlantiske forbindelser i mellomkrigstidens helsearbeid: Rockefeller Foundation, public health og norsk sykepleierutdanning . In Frydenlund, Bård; Hamre, Torleif Rosager & Avelin, Andre Larsen (Ed.), Transatlantiske forbindelser. Norsk-amerikanske relasjoner gjennom 200 år. Scandinavian Academic Press. ISSN 9788230402764. p. 99–134.
  • Engh, Sunniva (2021). Norge i Afghanistan 2001-2014. Engasjementspolitikken møter sikkerhetspolitikken. In Pharo, Helge Øystein; Engh, Sunniva; Bjerga, Kjell Inge; Hatlehol, Gunnar D. & Offerdal, Kristine (Ed.), Historiker, strateg og brobygger. Festskrift til Rolf Tamnes 70 år. Pax Forlag. ISSN 9788253042534. p. 324–348.
  • Engh, Sunniva (2020). India’s China Policy under Modi: Growing Co-operation, Enduring Disagreement, Increasing Rivalry. In Bekkevold, Jo Inge & Kalyanaraman, S. (Ed.), India's Great Power Politics. Managing China's Rise. Routledge. ISSN 9780367682866. p. 75–100.
  • Engh, Sunniva (2020). Georg Borgström and the population-food dilemma. Reception and consequences in Norwegian public debate, 1950s and 1960s. In Östling, Johan; Olsen, Niklas & Larsson Heidenblad, David (Ed.), Histories of Knowledge in Postwar Scandinavia. Actors, Arenas, and Aspirations. Routledge. ISSN 9780367894559. p. 39–58. doi: https:/
  • Engh, Sunniva (2019). Rockefeller Foundation og etableringen av Statens institutt for folkehelsen. Idéer, investeringer og institusjonsbygging i internasjonal helse 1923-35. Michael. ISSN 1893-9651. 16(1), p. 10–35.
  • Engh, Sunniva & Bekkevold, Jo Inge (2017). Silk Road Diplomacy: China's Strategic Interests in South Asia. In Rynning, Sten (Eds.), South Asia and the Great Powers: International Relations and Regional Security. I.B. Tauris. ISSN 9781784537531. p. 147–173.
  • Engh, Sunniva & Vik, Hanne Hagtvedt (2013). Utviklingshjelp - idealisme og stormaktspolitikk. In Waage, Hilde Henriksen; Tamnes, Rolf & Vik, Hanne Hagtvedt (Ed.), Krig og fred i det lange 20. århundre. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-02-43191-4. p. 333–355.
  • Engh, Sunniva (2013). The Rockefeller Foundation, Scandinavian Aid Agencies and the "Population Explosion". In Petersen, Klaus; Stewart, John & Kuur Sørensen, Michael (Ed.), American Foundations and the European Welfare States. Syddansk Universitetsforlag. ISSN 9788776746100. p. 181–202.

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  • Pharo, Helge Øystein; Østerud, Øyvind; Simensen, Jarle & Engh, Sunniva (2023). Kampen for en ordnet verden. Dreyer Forlag A/S. ISBN 9788282656375. 220 p.
  • Pharo, Helge Øystein; Engh, Sunniva; Bjerga, Kjell Inge; Hatlehol, Gunnar D. & Offerdal, Kristine (2021). Historiker, strateg og brobygger. Festskrift til Rolf Tamnes 70 år. Pax Forlag. ISBN 9788253042534. 500 p.

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View all works in Cristin

Published Dec. 2, 2016 1:24 PM - Last modified June 5, 2024 8:41 PM
