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Instituttseminaret høsten 2023 (Director's Seminar Series)

Instituttseminaret finner sted i undervisningsrommet i grunnetasjen (nesten) hver tirsdag ettermiddag kl. 16:00 eller 18:00. De er vanligvis åpne for alle interesserte. DNIR’s fagstipendiater, gjesteforskere og inviterte forelesere presenterer sin pågående forskning. Presentasjonene er som regel på engelsk. Formatet er et 20-minutters foredrag, etterfulgt av diskusjon og uformelt sosialt samvær i hagen, stuen eller på terrassen, avhengig av vær og årstid.

De som ønsker å delta, melder seg på til events@roma.uio.no

Bildet kan inneholde: podium, talerstol, mikrofon, begivenhet, offentlig tale.

Program Autumn Term 2023 

Changes may occur

Tuesday 12 September, 4 pm.  Manuela Michelloni, DNIR with Barbara Mancini and Eleonora Brignola, Emme.Bi.Soft: Visualizing Archival Materials. DNIR and URBIS’ new digital humanities project (in-house seminar, not open to the public)

Tuesday 19 September, 4pm. Visiting researchers Irene Selsvold, University of Gothenburg, and Frida Espolin Norstein, University of Stockholm: Death in Transition: Archaeological Perspectives on Burial Practices and Societal Change

Tuesday 26 September, 6 pm. Visiting researcher Francesco D’Angelo, La Sapienza: From Markland to Milan. Galvaneus Flamma and the Circulation of News between Northern Europe and Italy in the First Half of the Fourteenth Century

Tuesday 3 October, 6 pm. Scholar in residence Prof. Gunnar Liestøl, University of Oslo: Augmented Reality Storytelling and Reconstructions of Ancient Events in situ

Tuesday 10 October, 6 pm. Celebration of Professor Siri Sande’s 80th birthday. Lecture: Prof. em. Siri Sande, DNIR: The Piccolo Sarcofago Ludovisi – an Eighteenth-Century Forgery? Festive reception afterwards!

Tuesday 17 October, 6 pm. Visiting Fellow Anna Dyankonova, Oslo School of Architecture and Design: In the Presence of Stone

Tuesday 24 October, 6 pm. Visiting researcher Jostein Garcia de Presno, MF  School of Theology, Religion and Society, Oslo: Blame it on the Pope. A Norwegian Revivalist on the History of God and the Errors of the Roman Church

Tuesday 31 October, 6 pm. The Annual L’Orange Lecture. Alessandro Scafi, Warburg Institute, London: Sex and the Church. Early Modern Views on Sexuality and the Body in Eden

Tuesday 7 November, 6 pm. Ella & Eystein Magnus Fellow Sissel Grøndal, University of Oslo: The Norwegian Sculptor Gustav Vigeland's Travels and Studies in Italy in 1895 and 1896: An Encounter with the Early Italian Renaissance

Tuesday 14 November, 6 pm. Scholar in residence Vigdis Evang, University of Oslo: Exploration and Authority. Olaus Magnus between Learned Knowledge and Personal Experience

Tuesday 21 November, 6 pm. Scholar in residence Prof. Laura Saetveit Miles, University of Bergen: St. Birgitta of Sweden in Medieval Rome: On the Trail of Two English Superfans, Cardinal Adam Easton and Margery Kempe

Publisert 4. sep. 2023 13:04 - Sist endret 15. okt. 2023 14:43